Our culture is based on the ideas of Western civilization, and this is ultimately based on the transcended word of God. The left sees God as their enemy. Communism, the ultimate expression of evil in the world, views belief in God as their enemy, their competitor. Communism, as with all evil ideas, does not tolerate competitors. In addition is the fact that Marx was obsessed with Satanism and the destruction of the world by evil. That is why the communists spent so much effort and time in an effort to totally erase religion, first in Russia and then all countries they occupied. In the Soviet Union, for example, churches were razed of all sacred objects, blown up and turned into a stable for animals, anything to make people turn away from God and see the State as their new god.
I have stated before that all leftist totalitarians dangle this idea before the public, that they are constructing a utopia and that all resistance to this (dissidents) is, in essence, a principal cause for preventing this utopia from appearing. This is the Devil’s lure. The resisters are painted as “enemies of the people.” Millions have died pursuing this false dream.
We have seen this during the fake “COVID pandemic.”[1-3] True believers were told that the pandemic would end only if people did exactly what the government elitists and their supporters said. All resisters to these ideas, the people were constantly told, were dangerous “enemies of the state.” Many physicians lost their licenses to practice, were removed from their medical societies and hospital privileges were removed if they resisted or told the truth, no matter how well documented. A great number of real experts and men of experience, virologist, epidemiologist and intensive care physicians, were trying to tell the truth, but the State and their media minions, labeled these revelations as “misinformation” and “lies” that would extend the pandemic and result in death of thousands, even millions—total lies, and they knew it. The fact that these elitist liars knew it all along makes it even worse. In fact, it makes it deliberate murder.
Businesses were ruined forever, people were imprisoned and/or fined by the state for refusing to follow illogical, unsupported edicts. Hospitals and pharmacies were paid enormous sums to follow the government edicts and punish those who refused to follow these “rules.” Cruelty was common by those in the state who participated in this widespread criminal action. The elderly in nursing homes were not only murdered, loved ones were denied visiting and many elderly sick were forced to die alone. This cruelty in action was not only endorsed by the state, but it was also made into the law. Now, it is all being swept under the rug by the State. People’s memory is generally short. Will it all happen again? I think so, only the death, engineered by the State, will be even greater.
Powerful studies have come out showing that the use of masks was not only an error, but also led to many harmful side effects, from medical to learning defects in children.[4,5] After all, even they admitted it was not to protect the children, who had an enormously low death rate (less the 1%), it was to “protect” the teachers. Yet, it was known that the children did not transmit the virus.
Informed consent, a very firm rule in law through all our history, was negated by the justice system. Children, as well as the older public, were given this “vaccine” and never informed that the resulting complications could be deadly to some (even the young, very fit) but also crippling to millions. It was even confirmed by the pharmaceutical makers themselves that the “vaccine” was neither effective nor prevented transmission, the very definition of a true vaccine. Even now, all the pharmaceutical companies, as well as government agencies and their handmaidens, the mainstream media, are attempting to cover up the fact that this otherwise benign virus was engineered by the Chinese scientists at the Wuhan Virology lab (a Chinese military bioweapon lab) with the help of a virologist in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, in my view a traitor and a mass murderer.[6]
The purpose of the “pandemic” after careful review of all the data, was population control and State control of the survivors. We also know that the attack on our culture is multifactorial, as explained by the Chinese military. These people are cruel, heartless, demons led by social monsters. The leadership, in essence, is being led by psychopaths such as George Soros, the World Health Organization elite, the World Economic Forum, and Bill Gates with the assistance of many more.
The Bible says that at the end, the world will become lawless. We are now witnessing this with the defund the police movement, laws being passed by some states allowing robbery of stores and the insistence of the left that the jails be emptied on the streets. These criminals serve two purposes—they destroy society and make it unlivable, and the pick of the crop among these criminals are the enforcers. In the past, they campaigned and got hospitals for the insane to empty the insane onto the streets of America. The majority of the “homeless” are these people.
FBI statistics states that there are 14 million crimes in the United States reported each year and more than 1.9 million people incarcerated in prisons. Further, they have reported some 33,000 violent street gangs, motorcycle gangs and prison gangs active in the United States. These gangs use violence to control neighborhoods, distribute drugs, engage in robbery, sex trafficking and murder. The United States is now the leading sex trafficking country in the world. It is amazing that there are an equal number of gang members as there are members of our armed forces and often, they are interlocked. Gangs commit 80% of violent crimes in the US and the leftist are attempting to sell the idea that law abiding, armed citizens are the problem and that we must disarm the law abiding and not the criminal. The new and only law that seems to be enforced is directed at those who engage in self-defense.
I quoted a brilliant paper some time ago by Will Herberg, called “What is the Moral Crisis of our Time.”[7] Basically, he says, unlike previous times, even when we grew up in the 1950s through the 1960s, people ignored the moral rules of society knowing that these laws were correct and, in essence, defined wrongful behavior. But, today, to these law breakers, this growing amoral crowd, they do not even think they are doing evil. Rather, they conclude that their morality, which allows their behavior, is correct, and that society is corrupt and wrong in trying to enforce laws on decency and improper behavior. This way of thinking conforms with the idea that we each can make up our own moral laws and that we are all, in essence, our own gods. This critical lesson is what we should have learned when Adam and Eve were told not to eat from the tree of knowledge of RIGHT and WRONG, which states that only God can decide moral rules. Until recently we accepted that our laws were transcended from God Himself and not from man.
The idiot left, of course, has taken this amoral behavior to the extreme. They are believed and are teaching that sexual genders are “assigned” at birth and can be reassigned even much later in life. They are still teaching young girls and “society” that babies, even months along in embryological development, are nothing but a mass of undefined cells in defiance of known embryology. Some are even declaring that babies in the womb are “tumors,” that is, growths that should be removed to protect women. This is why the pro-abortionists destroys photographic displays of actual development at different stages of embryonic development of the baby. It demonstrates that these babies (not tumors or “a mass of cells”) are murdered by the abortionists. In truth, the abortionists wish to keep young girls from knowing the truth. That makes the abortionists murderers
Among the leftists, we have a gaggle of unbelievable idiots who believe that there are hundreds of genders, and they can change the gender of a person on the say-so of their cultist true believers. They demand to be called deranged names, such as he/she, they/them and even more insane titles. In Canada they even tried to make it a law that you have to address them by this insane name as an anointed label.
In past ages, families were the focus of the attack and still are. But now, even the individual is attacked for failing to follow this idiocy and are told they must actually believe it. Universities and colleges are the main centers of conformity to this insanity. University presidents have been removed, teachers are fired, and special “feminist” and “transgender” courses are created to indoctrinate the easily fooled.
It is interesting that now the feminists have been thrown under the proverbial bus. Riley Gaines has been attacked physically because of her sensible stand to prevent men from dressing in female dressing rooms and using female bathrooms, just because they “identify” as a female. The same happened to Representative Nancy Mace (R-SC) when she tried to get a bill passed in the House that says only real women could use the women’s bathroom. She was attacked by the media and physically attacked in the halls of Congress by one of the deranged. These are the “peaceable” leftists who never tire of warning us of the “scary conservative” and insisting the conservative is the “hater.”
I agree with those who say, “I do not argue with anyone who can’t tell a man from a woman.” That goes for all who hold bizarre, idiotic obviously insane viewpoints. They know, especially at the top of the elite, that this is all nonsense and is accepted by the low IQ crowd for the purpose of dismantling our society’s culture. Their aim is to destroy our culture and substitute it with their sexually perverted, traitorous, degenerate one in which they are in absolute charge.
The psychological operations of the left are extensive and supported by government agencies, think tanks, “the deep state manipulators,” and the mainstream media.[8-9]
We must take back our culture and re-establish our God-given laws by resisting the propaganda of the evil left. This means radical professors indoctrinating our impressionable children must be removed, and our Western traditions defended. The Bibles tell us to always seek wisdom and understanding and that we should be ready with an answer when they ask us why we believe. We cannot do that if we have not read and understand what has been written in the Bible. We should also know history, philosophy, contemporary events, and the truth in all our endeavors.
- Blaylock RL. Covid pandemic: What is the Truth? Surg Neurol Inter 2021;12(591).
- Blaylock RL. Covid Update: What is the truth? Surg Neurol Inter 2022:13 (167).
- Blaylock RL. Response to comments on my paper: “COVID update: What is the truth? Surg Neurol Inter 2022:13 (316).
- Boreovoy B, Huber C, Crisler M. Mask, false safety and real dangers, Part 2. Unpublished manuscript with references.
- Rancourt DG. Mask don’t work. A review of science relevant to COVID-19 social policy. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/D/D Rancourt.
- Children’s Health Defense. The Medical Pharmaceutical Killing Machine. Skyhorse Publishing 2024
- Herberg W. What is the Mortal Crisis of Our Time? Intercollegiate Review 1986.
- Hughes D. “Covid1-19”, Psychological Operations, and the War for Technology. Vol 1, Palgrave Macmillan, 2024
- Malone RW, Malone J G. PsyWar. Skyhorse Publishing 2024.
Russell L. Blaylock, M.D. is the president of Theoretical Neuroscience Research, LLC, Canton, Mississippi, a retired neurosurgeon, and the Associate Editor-in-Chief of the Neuro-Inflammation section of Surgical Neurology International (SNI). He has written numerous path-blazing scientific papers and books, including Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills (1994), Bioterrorism: How You Can Survive (2001), Health and Nutrition Secrets (2002), Natural Strategies for Cancer Patients (2003), and The Liver Cure (2022).
This article may be cited as: Blaylock, RL. Our Culture Is Being Destroyed by the Evil Left. HaciendaPublishing.com, January 20, 2025. Available from: https://haciendapublishing.com/our-culture-is-being-destroyed-by-the-evil-left-by-russell-l-blaylock-md/.
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