It has been said that the conservatives are those who think with their head while liberal/leftist think with the heart—that is, the leftists then are compassionate. But are they really? Do they really have compassion for “the people”? A brief examination shows that this is all nonsense.
Let us examine some of their main programs, many of which have become policy or laws, and see if they are “compassionate.” Keep in mind that many of these “compassionate policies” are all about gaining votes for ultimate power, and not sincere compassion. Once the left has attained ultimate power, these people will be dispensed with, as we have seen with women—by that, I mean biological females, not leftist illusions.
Since I began with the leftists’ attack on biological women, let’s start there. As you all remember in the recent past, for over a decade we were subject to the left’s screams and policy decision about “women’s rights.” We were told that women deserve to rule politically and culturally. Furthermore, they were to be protected from the masculine role in our culture as outlined by our tradition. In fact, they used several true observations mixed with their real goal. As stated, the greatest lie is when the half-truth is mixed with the propaganda.
Yet we must ask were they really desiring to express female “rights” and “equality”? Contemporary events scream a resounding “no.” The women issues during this period were used to gain power for the left. It is also interesting to note that it was never about all women in positions of power—only leftist women. When Margaret Thatcher was elected as the only female Prime Minister of England in history, she was vilified and hated by the left, even after she died. Yet, she represented a powerful woman in a position of political power—what they claimed they wished. Several other conservative women also reached very high levels in the political and commercial world—they were all hated by the left. There was no exception, no matter if they were black, white or any other race.
A number of black conservatives were popular in the independent media, and many have very popular blogs, especially among “white” conservatives. They were all also hated and vilified by the evil left. Dr. Ben Carson was even called “white” by these leftist extremists. The only true “woman” and true “man” had to be, in their perverted thinking, a leftist—the more extreme the better. It is always predictable, and it was even expressed down to the level of Diamond and Silk, the lady conservative bloggers. So, much for their strident claim to want “women” in powerful political positions. That applied only to leftist women. Conservative women were to keep quiet.
Today, with their love affair with the “transgender” mental derangement, they insist that gender is “assigned” at birth and not biological. Therefore, in their perverted thinking, men can declare they are women and vice versa. Further, we are to address them by the “pronoun” they choose, with legal implications if we refuse.
Yet, how compassionate is that? Men, who possess all the equipment men are born with, insist that they should use women’s bathroom, women’s locker rooms, and be accepted in women’s sporting competitions. One’s small daughter is no longer safe in a women’s bathroom. The women, who yesterday were the anointed group are now being thrown under the proverbial bus. They can forget about getting an athletic scholarship or an award, it goes to the “pretend female” now anointed by the left. Not because the leftist elites actually believe this nonsense, but strictly for the votes and with the end goal of destroying the basis of our society. The academic professors are in truth demented enough to believe this pablum, but not real people.
Just watch Senator John Kennedy, Republican from Louisiana, try to make one of the academic nitwits define a “woman” during a congressional hearing. Of course, some academicians are intimidated by the radical left and refuse to speak their real feelings. How compassionate is this for the biological women, especially the athletic women, like Riley Gaines, who was denied a trophy even though in competition she tied the male swimmer pretending to be female. She was also made to suffer the embarrassment of having a 6-foot 4-inch naked male stand behind her in the female locker room. How compassionate was that? She, and other real women were told they will just have to get over seeing a male member. Yet, the so-called radical feminists remain silent concerning this assault on common decency and common sense because their allegiance was really to the left—not women. Leftism comes first.
So, what about other issues. How much compassion is felt for the store owner who is told by a mayor and even a governor his business should be burned to the ground during a hissy-fit riot by whatever group decides to throw a temper tantrum. What about the elderly who depended on that business? What happened to the “compassion” screamed by the left, including their media pundits. What about the people who are injured or killed during the riot?
How much compassion is felt for the poor store owner, who has worked tirelessly for years to build a business to serve the community, only to have mindless politicians influenced by the leftist radicals allow them to steal up to $950 of merchandise per store, per day. Once their shelves are empty, the store owners close the business and move—at their own expense, and the expense of those in the community that needed the store. Do you see any compassion here?
What about the idiots who block highways, causing huge delays in traffic and even blocking emergency vehicles. Are they compassionate? What about people who disrupt a funeral screaming their demented message? Are they compassionate? What about mindless nitwits who deface famous paintings and statures because they want to make a statement—are they compassionate? Why aren’t they arrested?
Why do the police let a gaggle of leftist morons scream over a megaphone in a residential neighborhood supposedly to protest against a person living in that neighborhood? We used to have people arrested for disturbing the peace. Any compassion for others living in the vicinity or the person being harassed? We all know it is the police chief following the instructions of the mayor, either a leftist idiot himself or a coward.
What about the mindless morons who vote for defunding the police? Crime, as expected, rises astronomically and the community suffers. Where is the compassion? The police were often underpaid, most have a terrible life, many have failed marriages, and some even commit suicide. These same leftists then pass legislation making you a criminal if you defend yourself. Then they want to empty the jails even of hardened criminals—rapists, kidnappers, murderers, and thieves. Gun control leaves the citizen, black or white, defenseless.[1] In England the public is told they should just run away—that even brandishing a knife to prevent being raped was an imprisonable offense. They are told to do anything but harm the attacker. It is not much better in Australia.[1]
What about parental rights? Children are taken from parents for being religious, being conservative, or any opposition to leftist indoctrination in schools. In addition, parents have no say concerning transgender surgery, vaccination, school indoctrination on purely political issues, and parents have no input among many school boards concerning this trash, including sexually explicit books placed in the school library—even in elementary schools.
Another token of leftist “compassion” is the “Dike reading time” mostly for small children. This is occurring at schools and in public libraries. Is this compassionate or conscionable? In the recent past these depraved people would be arrested for such activity. But of course, the police have been defunded, and coward school boards and mayors are endorsing it or staying silent, fearful of public attack by the leftist radicals and their media handmaidens. Satanic clubs are being started in some schools but never traditional religion of any kind.[2]
We even have a Democratic Vice-Presidential candidate who advocates putting tampon dispensers in the boys’ bathroom—“Tampon” Tim Waltz. But then the Democrat presidential candidate brags that she worked tirelessly to get convicted, imprisoned monsters, taxpayer-funded transgender surgery when she was a prosecutor in California.
Of course, Kamala Harris and the liberal-left also support murdering babies—abortion. How compassionate is it to take the innocent life of an unborn baby in such a horrible manner? And what about the mother who is convinced during a time of stress to take the easy way out of her problem? Many of these women will suffer depression, knowing what they have done, and many have committed suicide. Is that compassionate? The leftist support this cruel, horrendous act, especially at the political level, for votes.

And who wants to silence the people, the resisters of this and other outrages, such as forced COVID vaccination by the left—the Democratic left and the radical extremist of the left? Leftist intolerance and tyranny are permeating the left and their followers in the Democratic Party, and sadly some Republicans, are not immune.[3] Who is dismantling democracy? For the most part, not the conservatives. As I say—when the left accuses us of saying something, they are looking in a mirror. To argue with a leftist is like trying the change the message on a tape recorder by arguing with it. No matter what you say, proof you present or data you supply—they will give the same illogical, nonsensical message, and the message is getting more bizarre than ever.
During the “sexual revolution” the leftist screwballs insisted that sex education would solve the problem of unwanted pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases, and destroyed relationships. The resisters stated that it would turn into a “sexual techniques” course. These resisters were vilified and called conspiracy theorists. Since this was adopted by all public schools, all these problems have skyrocketed. For the solution to unwanted pregnancies, they promoted abortion. As I stated in a previous paper, some of the leftist promoters of abortion stated that they did not want the babies adopted, they wanted them dead.[4]
What about the welfare state? In a study performed in England before their welfare system was adopted, they found that if one makes the welfare system generous, it destroys the incentive to work. That is exactly what happened in this country. One only needs to read Theodore Dairymple’s books to see the sordid, destructive results.[5,6] For an excellent analysis of the effect of the welfare state in the United States there is none better than Thomas Sowell’s 2010 book, Intellectuals and Society.[7]
In each of these books we see the effects of the sacred programs of the left that assured us that they contained the makings of a utopia. Instead, they produced a hell on earth. In truth, the left is busy destroying all of Western culture (the Total Critique), always intent on building a totalitarian system from the ground up based on the Chinese communist system (technocracy).[8]
In fact, we are witnessing the creation of corporativism rather than traditional communism. The elite rulers of select corporations have joined in union with the leftist politicians to create such a totalitarian system, based on public-private partnerships and technocracy.[9,10] Technocracy will erase all semblance of freedom, privacy, and self-reliance. Rather than traditional religion, we will have a technocratic structure well explained in Glen Beck’s book and the works of Schwab’s impish sidekick, Yuval Noah Harari.[11,12]
There are many more examples but those cited here demonstrate that each of these leftist “compassionate” programs have the opposite effect of their stated purpose—usually very destructive, ushering in a totalitarian, inhuman, technocratic state. The critically-thinking conservative ends up being in real life infinitely more compassionate than the progressive leftists falsely claiming altruism for all the evil they propagate.
- Faria, M. America Guns, and Freedom. Mascot Books, Oct 1, 2019.
- Satan After School.
- Rasmussen Report. COVID-19: Democratic Voters Support Harsh Measures Against Unvaccinated – Demographic Details. January 5, 2022.
- Blaylock, RL. Abortion as a Right., July 7, 2024.:
- Theodore Dairymple”s book, Our Culture, What’s Left of It: The Mandarins and the Masses. Ivan R Dee, March 1, 2007.
- Theodore Dairymple. Life At the Bottom. Ivan R. Dee, March 8, 2003.
- Sowell, T. Intellectuals and Society. Basic Books, March 6, 2012.
- Blaylock, R.L. Judeo-Christianity and End of the West., April 22, 2024.
- Wood, P. Technocracy Rising. Coherent Publishing, Dec 29, 2014
- Wood, P. The Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism Coherent Publishing. Nov 25, 2022
- Beck G., Haskins J. The Great Reset. Forefront Books, Jan 11, 2022.
- Harari, YN. Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow. Harper Perennial Sept 4, 2018.
Russell L. Blaylock, M.D. is the president of Theoretical Neuroscience Research, LLC, Canton, Mississippi, a retired neurosurgeon, and the Associate Editor-in-Chief of the Neuro-Inflammation section of Surgical Neurology International (SNI). He has written numerous path-blazing scientific papers and books, including Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills (1994), Bioterrorism: How You Can Survive (2001), Health and Nutrition Secrets (2002), Natural Strategies for Cancer Patients (2003), and The Liver Cure (2022).
This article may be cited as: Blaylock RL. Where is the Compassion of the Left For the Common People?, October 28, 2024. Available at:
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