“If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.”
― George Washington
Public Health and Gun Control — No Deterrent to Crime
If the intent is to prevent mass shootings and other deadly acts, then gun control laws need to be eased not strengthened. During the early
Out of America: A Black Man Confronts Africa by Keith B. Richburg
This outstanding book by a black American journalist for The Washington Post recounts the emotional and spiritual awakening of the author upon his fateful visit
Vaccines: Are They Really Safe and Effective? A Parents Guide to Childhood Shots by Neil Z. Miller
While I don’t agree with all the conclusions drawn in this book, the author has dealt honestly with this subject and has added pertinent information
The Art of Political War: How Republicans Can Fight to Win by David Horowitz
This political booklet subtitled “How Republicans Can Fight to Win,” despite its optimistic tone, carries a disturbing message — namely, that because we live “in
Slouching Towards a Duty to Die
An article in the New Oxford Review illustrates how ” ‘a right to die’ easily becomes ‘a duty to die’ once society labels some lives
The Mitzvah by Aaron Zelman and L. Neil Smith
This is the story of a liberal Catholic priest who gets mugged with reality when he finds out he’s actually a Holocaust orphan survivor. Suddenly,