
“If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.”
― George Washington

U.S.-Cuba Policy: Betraying Friends for Fool’s Gold
On April 22, 2000, the Miami home of a Cuban-American family was raided by heavily armed INS agents, and the child Elián González was forcibly

The Fall of Fidel Castro (Part IV): The Final Chapter
Thomas Jefferson and the other American patriots who framed the U.S. Constitution were wary of government power, even of the federal government of these United

The Fall of Fidel Castro (Part III): The Sequel
In Part II of this article, we discussed the issue of whether the Cuban people would be better off living in a social(ist) democracy or

The Fall of Fidel Castro (Part II): A Social(ist) Democracy or a Constitutional Republic for Cuba?
In Part I of this article, we discussed plausible scenarios that could take place in Cuba after the much-awaited death of the tyrant Fidel Castro.

The Fall of Fidel Castro (Part I): Death of the Maximum Leader
A series of incidents in the last several weeks suggest that Cuban Maximum Leader Fidel Castro’s physical and mental health may be in rapid decline.

On School-Based Community Service — A Dissenting View
Strong parental involvement is essential in education, public or private. And, true, public schools need to do better. But while public (government) schools have been