In China, dictator Xi had a rival taken off stage. In America, our feds are more civilized. China Joe ordered his Attorney General to launch another special counsel investigation of his rival, Donald J. Trump. The plan is to tie him up in court for years so he can’t campaign effectively. This is how a communist America works these days.
Whether you like him or not, Trump is the candidate who derailed Barack Hussein’s Obama’s “Permanent Revolution,” which was supposed to go forward under “President” Hillary Clinton. He is clearly seen as the one candidate in the future who can stop the Democrats from consolidating their power.
In the midst of this orchestrated chaos, many Senate Republicans are joining Democrats in pushing gay marriage, while in the House the Republicans are hoping to investigate various Biden officials, but not Joe and certainly not Barry.

Meanwhile, China Joe rubbed elbows with dictator Xi on the stage of the G20 meeting, forgetting to mention China’s mass murder of more than one million Americans through the “leak” of the China virus from a Chinese military lab (6.6 million people have died worldwide). Instead, Xi lectured the weak and pathetic Canadian ruler Trudeau about the “leak” of a conversation they had. Put in his place by the world dictator, Trudeau meekly replied that he was for free speech, blah and blah.

This is the world today, in which Western “leaders” play subservient roles to Xi as former Russian KGB colonel Putin bombs Ukraine into oblivion, with deaths on both sides running into the hundreds of thousands. Russia is winning, despite what you see and hear, as it bombs Ukraine into ash and rubble and America is drained of billions of dollars in military aid to keep the no-win war going.
On Fox, however, Tucker Carlson continues to spout the Russian line and disparage Ukraine and its courageous leader, Zelensky, whose country is going into the deep freeze under assault by Russian forces and Iranian drones. Tucker probably arranged the Fox News hiring of former Bernie Sanders peacenik candidate Tulsi Gabbard, whose communist ties and record of appeasement of Russian client state Syria is well-known and documented by anti-communist analyst Trevor Loudon and others.
Fox News is becoming a laughing stock, almost as ridiculous as the UFO and cattle mutilation segments featured on Tucker’s show.
Back on Capitol Hill, Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee say they are “gearing up” investigations on several Biden Administration officials in preparation for the 118th Congress. These Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, FBI Director Christopher Wray, Attorney General Merrick Garland, Department of Education Secretary Miguel Cardona, and White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain.
But what if one or more of these officials gets impeached? These hearings will feature Republican politicians competing for face time on Fox News and nothing much will be done.
I can understand why they left China Joe off the list. After all, he is an empty suit, much like Senator-elect Fetterman of Pennsylvania, and the real power is Barack Hussein Obama, whose permanent revolution is on-going. But Republicans lacked the intestinal fortitude to impeach Obama because he was our first black president.
What about the senior citizens murdered by Democratic governors in nursing homes when COVID arrived and they were placed in direct proximity of the virus? Who will speak for them? Who will hold those governors, such as Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan, accountable?
More social chaos, including euthanasia, is next on the agenda, as we have seen in Trudeau’s Canada. It’s called Medical Assistance In Dying (MAID). Canada went communist years ago and is now on the cutting edge of societal revolution. The conservatives there are in permanent minority status.
In America, half—or more than half—of the voting population went for candidates promising abortion-on-demand rather than lower energy and food prices. Hence, death is their official agenda, and you are next.
The Netflix horror film, “Old People,” is from, appropriately enough, Germany, and deals with the revolt of the seniors when they are left alone to be killed or die. They are “life unworthy of life,” to use the Nazi phrase.
As if Chinese-supplied fentanyl is not enough, young people have a special place in this New World Order, as they are promised more marijuana and “magic mushrooms.” If they survive, they will end up in hospitals and mental health clinics, or even injection sites where local governments will supply the needles. Some will run the “official” drug operations, with kickbacks in the form of political contributions to the Democrats who made them possible and taxes skimmed off by politicians in power.
All of this may sound unduly pessimistic, but we now have the opportunity to pass judgment on the phony “Red Wave” that was promised by “news” organizations as diverse as Fox News, the New York Post, and Stephen K. Bannon’s “War Room” show on Real America’s Voice.
The “conservative” media suppressed the conservative vote with all of the nonsense about Republicans taking the House with 50 seats and the Senate by four or five seats. They made conservatives think victory was in the bag. None of them has since apologized for getting it wrong.
As a result of this deception, we are faced with a Republican Senate “Leader” Mitch McConnell, who voted for Merrick Garland as Attorney General. In the House, conservative Rep. Andy Biggs challenged Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) for GOP Conference chair and received only 31 votes.
This was all predictable. When former Republican Rep. Steve King came under media attack for speaking out in favor of saving Western civilization, McCarthy arranged to have King replaced on various congressional committees and orchestrated his defeat. King had supported a House Internal Security Committee to uncover communists.
Howard Phillips, 1941-2013, chairman of the Conservative Caucus, was a visionary who started a third political party, now known as the Constitution Party, when the Republican Party began drifting away from conservatism.
Today, Republicans are at a crossroads. Trump is attempting to save the GOP from itself while others want to “save” the party from Trump. Can the party under these circumstances be transformed into a home for constitutional conservatives? One thing we know for sure—the “conservative” media have been terribly compromised by liars and deceivers, who don’t grasp the political reality of what’s happening in their own country and the world.
Written by Cliff Kincaid

Cliff Kincaid, president of America’s Survival, Inc., is the author or co-author of 15 books, including Red Jihad, Permanent Revolution and Back from the Dead: Return of the Evil Empire. His website is:
Copyright ©2022 Cliff Kincaid