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Detecting Jihadists Could Prevent Terrorist Mass Shootings — A Reappraisal by Miguel A. Faria, MD

The FBI has finally admitted that, after deciphering encryption, the Saudi military trainee involved in the Pensacola Naval Base shooting of December 2019 — in which three U.S. soldiers were killed — had been in contact with Al-Qaeda for years. And immediately in the wake of this revelation, we have just had another shooting at the Naval […]

Detecting Jihadists Could Prevent Terrorist Mass Shootings — A Reappraisal by Miguel A. Faria, MD Read More »

Detecting jihadists could prevent terrorist mass shootings by Miguel A. Faria, MD

The Pensacola, Florida, Naval Air Base shooting that took place on December 6, 2019 has now been found to be an act of terrorism by the Department of Justice. Three American servicemen were killed in the attack. A background check that should have been made before the Saudi airman was admitted in the United States,

Detecting jihadists could prevent terrorist mass shootings by Miguel A. Faria, MD Read More »

Vladimir Putin — Part 1: The enigmatic Russian leader will need to show statesmanship in the Syrian crisis by Miguel A. Faria, MD

I write these words and I shudder because as I read the BBC headlines and reports in the early morning hours I learned that President Trump ordered, and the U.S. has launched, a devastating missile strike on a Syrian airbase. The American attack is in retaliation for the Syrian chemical attack on a rebel-held town

Vladimir Putin — Part 1: The enigmatic Russian leader will need to show statesmanship in the Syrian crisis by Miguel A. Faria, MD Read More »

Faria: The Turkish-Russian conflict — Converting adversity into opportunity

The downing of a Russian jet by a Turkish F-16 fighter plane is a distracting development for the war on ISIS, as well as an event that could have ominous repercussions for the NATO alliance. Turkey says the Russian plane, a Su-24 aircraft, was shot down while violating Turkish airspace. The Russians deny this and

Faria: The Turkish-Russian conflict — Converting adversity into opportunity Read More »

Turkey and the Armenian genocide: Attacking friends and rewarding enemies!

Genocide is defined as the systematic extermination of a racial, ethnic, religious, or national group by government. Democide was defined by Professor R.J. Rummel as the political killing of people by their own government. The terms though are related by infamy and cruelty, and at times are difficult to differentiate. The Nazis, for example, conducted

Turkey and the Armenian genocide: Attacking friends and rewarding enemies! Read More »

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