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Cuba, the Totalitarian Example of America’s Future? by Russell L. Blaylock, MD

Cuba has had a long history of suffering under the communist hammer and sickle, and she still struggles under this totalitarian system. A recent article in the Epoch Times shows what extent the Cuba communist regime will go to keep its people under its system of terror subjugation. The title of the article says it […]

Cuba, the Totalitarian Example of America’s Future? by Russell L. Blaylock, MD Read More »

Biden is Making the World Dangerous Again by Jeff Crouere

In thirty-three months in office, President Joe Biden has destroyed more than our country’s economy and border security. He has also compromised our national security and placed the entire world in grave peril. As President Donald Trump has stated many times, “We are closer to World War III than we’ve ever been.” With Biden as

Biden is Making the World Dangerous Again by Jeff Crouere Read More »

The Five Stooges on Capitol Hill by Cliff Kincaid

In a hearing supposedly addressing global threats, Democratic Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon demanded to know why the Intelligence Community wasn’t hiring more potheads. It went downhill from there. The head honcho, Avril Haines, director of National Intelligence, declared the Intelligence Community was open to potheads, as long as, presumably, they weren’t smoking on the

The Five Stooges on Capitol Hill by Cliff Kincaid Read More »

Hamas and the Terrorism Dilemma by Douglas P. Harden

The United States’ support for our ally, Israel, must be steadfast, unyielding, and robust. Israel is surrounded by Arab states, many of them either do not recognize the right of Israel to exist or some Arab states actively work towards inciting violence in Israel. There are many issues involved in the Israeli/Palestinian peace process. Perhaps too

Hamas and the Terrorism Dilemma by Douglas P. Harden Read More »

The Challenge of Counterterrorism: Terrorist Groups and Political Legitimacy — A Strategy for the 21st Century by Douglas P. Harden

For decades the United States has confronted international terrorism, with probably none more poignant than Al Qaeda on September 11, 2001. Also, United States foreign policy has grappled with states like Iran that sponsor terrorism. Recently, United States foreign policy and defense policy have confronted terrorist groups that not only engage in terrorism but also

The Challenge of Counterterrorism: Terrorist Groups and Political Legitimacy — A Strategy for the 21st Century by Douglas P. Harden Read More »

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