Dr. Faria, I continue to read your book but I am very limited with my time. I am also really interested in the various people you write about so I find myself stopping my reading to research the men who are mentioned in it. Today on page 62, I read that between 1960 and 1993, an estimated 36,000 Cubans perished at sea. I cannot even imagine that I would be brave enough to undertake that trip. Further, I am in awe of the bravery of your mother to stay behind and watch her husband and son head out toward freedom. In our current political climate, our freedoms, and possible loss of freedoms, are always on my mind and it is so scary. Your book is a real eye opener for me. I told my husband of 52 years, Stan, that I can’t imagine having the bravery of your mother. He said he knows I would rise to the occasion. I can only hope. Thank you. —Bette, January 25, 2022

Bette, Thank you so much for the feedback on the book. My mother was and is an outstanding person. You will learn more about her as you read on! At age 90, she went to see Trump in Orlando, Florida! I also understand you need to pause and research, just as I do now with the books I read. Please keep me posted as you read and take your time… —Your friend, MAF
Dr. Faria, it is a cold and early Colorado morning here. For the past hour, I have had the luxury of sitting by the fireplace, reading your book. It is very enjoyable. I am just starting The Bay of Pigs Fiasco on page 93. I continue to be amazed by your family. I can’t help but compare your family life when you were young in Cuba to the life my two sons lived at that age here in Colorado. So different. Their lives were unencumbered by politics and fear. But I worry about the future of my two young, precious grandsons. Your book is a real eye-opener for me. Thank you. I enjoy your reference to La Perla. That must have been a wonderful place to spend time. My husband and I have a small cabin that is hidden away in the mountains, adjacent to the San Isabel National Forest. It is just a little more than one caballeria. Stan named it Paz Place. —Bette
Bette, I just noticed your earlier message which somehow I had missed. Looking back through the years, political changes almost seem unreal. I also worry the future for my grown children and their children. I’m so glad you are enjoying my book! You will soon be getting into more family history and the actual escape. You will like it a lot! Keep reading by the warm fireplace. Even here in Georgia we are having a cold spell! Oh, and if you travel to your cabin, make sure to take the book! —MAF, February 7, 2022

Dr. Faria, I have a question for you, if you don’t mind answering it. How long before your mother knew your father and you had safely reached the Cayman Islands? I can’t even begin to imagine the worry she felt. And your father, what an incredible man! —Bette, February 11, 2022
Bette, As you will read, the secret police in Cuba probably found out right way and confirmed it a few days later, because they had a meteorologist stationed in the Cayman Islands (Georgetown) who was probably a Cuban agent. My mother found out soon after because we had not been arrested. If we had been, the Cuban government would have publicized it right away as a warning of the power of the G2 secret police! People in my home town suspected that we had reached freedom for the same reason. No one wanted to consider the possibility that we could have sunk and drowned, although we almost did as you will read! —MAF
Dr. Faria, I am about to start “Revolutionary Dreams.” I have been getting up early each morning to have time to read. Then over a cup of coffee, I discuss it with Stan. It is a wonderful start to my day. The anniversary of your trip to freedom is tomorrow. Enjoy the day! Happy St. Valentine’s Day to Helen and you as well. You have lived a life that most of us only know about from the pages of your book. You are blessed. —Bette, February 11, 2022
Bette, Thank you my dear friend. And may you have an enjoyable weekend and a Happy Valentine’s Day! —MAF
Bette K. Bushell is a concerned citizen who studied at the University of Denver, College of Law.
Miguel A. Faria, M.D., is Associate Editor in Chief in socioeconomics, politics, medicine, and world affairs of Surgical Neurology International (SNI). Author of Cuba in Revolution: Escape From a Lost Paradise (2002) and America, Guns, and Freedom: A Journey Into Politics and the Public Health & Gun Control Movements (2019).
This article may be cited as: Bushell BK. Reading Dr. Miguel Faria’s book Cuba in Revolution and conversing with the author (Part 1). HaciendaPublishing.com, February 12, 2022. Available from: https://haciendapublishing.com/reading-dr-miguel-farias-book-cuba-in-revolution-and-conversing-with-the-author-part-1-by-bette-k-bushell/.
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