Does the Left Really Believe Its “Woke” Nonsense? by Russell L. Blaylock, MD

I have often had people ask me the question, “Does the left really believe the ‘woke’ nonsense they profess and scream publicly?” The answer, according to the evidence in most instances, is an absolute “no.” It is for the consumption of the weak-minded non-thinkers. The main goal is to totally destroy the society as it exists—or did exist since it has been greatly dismantled already. I have stated that scholars of this leftist tactic call this a total critique of society, which means dismantling all that exists in the society they wish to replace.1 We saw this displayed in the French Revolution and extended in the communist revolutions thereafter.2  Even Gorbachev expressed this at the end of the “fall of the Soviet Union.”

Normal thinking people, especially the adherents to the major religions, reject all this “woke” nonsense, as just that, nonsense. The term “woke” implies that those who accept this insanity have woken up to a “new reality,” where genders are assigned at birth, men can declare they are women and enter women’s bathrooms or lockers and vice versa. It also allows men to beat women senseless in a “boxing match” just by declaring they are women. Children become the victims in all of this as well. Schools, especially the lower grades, are filled with filth and sexual garbage.

If that is not bad enough, now they tell us that men can have babies and men menstruate. We even have a major vice-president candidate who declared that he wanted tampon dispensers placed in “men’s bathrooms.” But then with this assault on reality, they can say virtually anything, no matter how it distorts common sense and reality or how absurd it really is.

We have brainwashed women, totally confused women stating they have special pronouns and that they want everybody to use the idiotic terms when addressing them. In some areas, laws are passed to enforce this insanity. Riots that cost taxpayers billions of dollars, burn down businesses (and sometimes homes), carry out massive robbery, etc., are now justified as a part of “reparations.” They see the murder of “whites” as justice. The outrages are escalating, all with the purpose of dismantling existing free society.

The government and the media are working tirelessly to outlaw free speech and anything which defies their “wokeness” mental aberration. Guns, used for self-defense are under attack by Kamala Harris and her vice presidential candidate. Dr. Faria has written extensively about this in his articles and in a major book.3 The controlled medical profession, through its organizations and the Surgeon General, now classify gun ownership as a “health crisis,” thus putting it under their purview.4  

History should have taught us that the first act of any totalitarian government once they come to power is to confiscate weapons and disarm the people. Such governments fear the people, something referred to as “pitchforks and torches.” They wish to be the only ones possessing weapons and the authority to use them. Ludwig von Mises pointed out that socialism/communism is about the use of force by the government.5 Others have said that people must abandon belief in God and accept the “government” as the new god. As representatives of this new government, they see themselves as “gods.”

People also ask—“What drives these people supporting the left?” As I see it, two things. The first is “What will those in power, give me? I hear it all the time—“What did the government in question give them,” they ask. The truth is, the government should give you nothing but law and order, an enforced constitutional system, protection against those who wish to endanger this system, defense against foreign enemies, and ensure individual liberty.

The second, and most important driving force towards tyranny is the dream of a coming utopia that the elites promise.1 If we examine the history of all the revolutions we find a common thread—the promise of a utopia. The Marxists convinced people that after the “necessary” dictatorship, government would disappear as the promised utopia appeared. Stalin was once asked why the communist destroyed the unions. He stated that since the “new” Soviet Union was born, the workers no longer need unions, as they were only needed in “capitalist nations.”

When people pointed out that almost a century later, no utopia appeared—only the existing nightmare—the communist elite would retorted, “It is the wreckers and saboteurs that are preventing the utopia from coming.” In essence, the people must help in rooting out the ones preventing the utopia from appearing—that is, the dissidents to the regime’s nightmare, the ones pointing out the lies are saboteurs. In modern times, the elite dictators have invented a new word to describe these lovers of liberty—malinformation spreaders. By their definition, the word means, the dissidents’ charges are basically true, but it makes people not trust their government. This is an invitation to cover for the crimes of the government, even mass murder. Further, it makes those who know the truth, and remain silent, accessories to mass murder as well as other crimes by the rulers.

When the COVID-19 “plandemic” occurred, the public was encouraged to spy on their neighbors and turn them in for violating the government edicts. We have all seen the videos showing people being ejected by fellow shoppers for not wearing a mask. This despite numerous studies showing that the masks were not only useless but also dangerous.7,8 The government encouraged this by constantly repeating—“The epidemic would be over if people would just do what we say.”  Now, we know that it was all lies.

Over half of the small and medium sized businesses in America closed permanently due to the lockdown that accomplished nothing. I am convinced the goal was to destroy capitalism and eventually have the populace see government as the only compassionate answer.

Yet the real end game was to get people to take the injections—the “vaccine.” A number of articles have shown that there were two ultimate goals associated with getting people to vaccinate. The first was depopulation. Millions have died both as a result of the injections, and hospitals have gone along with this madness. Health agencies were in collusion with the government or feared opposing the power of the state.

The second goal was to inject billions of the survivors with a nanotechnology used to erase personal privacy. Several studies have confirmed this. This means total control over the individual. Recently, Yuval Harari, Klaus Schwab’s peripheral brain, confirmed this in a recent interview.9 He said that Stalin would have liked this technology the elite now is offering, as it allows people to be monitored 24 hours a day—even during, what used to be, their most private moments. Harari is in favor of this, as he states in his book, Homo Deus.9  

The leftist elites, in essence, do not believe any of the “wokeness.” It is a tool to destroy existing society with the help of the sea of morons aiding and abetting them. Many believe the fake compassion of the welfare state, which accomplished two things for the left—dependence on the state and destruction of the black community. It kept them from seeking and getting the very thing they wanted—to be like everybody else in the rest of society. They were betrayed and now they are being murdered by the thousands—not by police, but by the leftist elite. Abortion clinics are intentionally placed outside black communities.

I have stated to others that another goal of the elite was to eventually erase the black community. This is especially so now that they are waking up to the fact that they have been used. Trillions have been spent on “civil rights” and welfare. The elite want to use this money for their “projects.” By encouraging a civil race war, the goal is being hastened.

The history of communist revolutions is to eliminate the ones who helped them come to power and are no longer needed to gain and maintain power. They see their supporters as dangerous, because they would eventually realize they had been lied to. They fear that at that point the people join the “pitchforks and torches.” This process of elimination is also the fate of those whose jobs are displaced by AI. Harari called them “useless” and implied they are a danger to the elite rulers. In addition, they siphon off a lot of money that could be used by the elites. Of great concern, this is also true for the elderly and the poor on the rolls of Medicare and Medicaid.

I tell people, when the elite say they wish to solve poverty, there are three ways to solve poverty. For the elites, it is either First, you can give the poor money and largess, or second, just kill them off. In their way of thinking, if you kill all the poor people then you have “solved the problem of poverty.” Conservatives endorse a third way—join the market and become wealthier by using capitalist principles. Thomas Sowell discussed this in his excellent book, Intellectuals and Society.10   

A plethora of books and papers have exposed the idiocy of “wokism” and DEI. Many have pointed out that meritocracy has been replaced by DEI (diversity, equity, inclusion). Equity has replaced equality to prevent confusion of equality of opportunity versus equality meaning equal outcome. I find it ironic that Martin Luther King’s statement in his “I had a dream” speech, in which he stated that he looked forward to the day when a person was judged by the quality of his character and not the color of his skin, has been turned on its head. Today, the left is saying the exact opposite—the quality of the person has no value only the color of his or her skin.

When challenged and told that blacks do not have the educational tools needed to compete, Ivy League schools and many other universities and colleges gave them preference for admission and special consideration for grading. A number of blacks and Hispanics did indeed take advantage of their education and excelled, but far too many did not. As a consequence, the diligent ones rose in the corporate and business world and the academic institutions.

The left, terrified by this, invented courses in colleges and universities to deny the blacks an education that just might lead to their advance in a free market. The courses were mainly constructed toward DEI and various “wokism” subjects—that is, nonsense. As a result, their only choice was to either drop out or become a radical professor spewing out the same Marxist nonsense and denying even more students, black and white, a real education that would prepare them for life in a free society.

Corporations were placed in an economic position that eventually made them dependent on a federal handout. A bailout. Of course, you were told that your company did not get a bailout unless it was “woke” and implemented brainwashing among its workers. They have learned this lesson. Many are smart enough to know this, and they act accordingly.

Many marvel that a growing list of corporations are running “woke” ads and losing billions on the stock market. But they have been assured that they will soon be protected by censorship of those who lead boycotts. And the compliant will be the chosen ones to be the only makers of the products in question. Buy their product or do without. Some things people feel they cannot do without. Rising competition is discouraged and made difficult if nearly impossible by government regulations. Rockefeller is quoted as saying he hated competition. Rockefeller and many elites like monopolies.

It has been said that Marxism (and the leftism that grew out of it) is not a philosophy, but tactics. It is obvious to those who know history, “wokism” is a tactic. The elite leading the leftist drive are amazed that so many others actually believe their nonsense—useful fools. But they are using it to destroy existing society—all of Western civilization.

We just went through a long period of “feminism,” supposedly on behalf of women. Now women are being sacrificed to LGBTQ+. In essence, the women have been tossed under the proverbial bus. As Saul Alinski, author of Rules for Radicals stated, “The issue is never the issue.”11 He pointed out that too many leftists believe their own nonsense, but the elite rulers on the left in no way believe this insane garbage.

Now even blacks are being told that if they vote for Trump they are not black, and if they are conservative, they are not black. Conservative blacks who have run for the presidential nomination have garnered hardly any supporters from the black community. Instead, the clueless liberals voted for a person, Obama, whose father was black and whose mother was white. But that did not really matter, what mattered to them was that both his father and Barack were hardline communists. If Obama had been a conservative, most conservatives would have voted for him. Yet, once again, the only criteria as far as the liberal voters are concerned was the color of his skin and that he voiced radical Marxist nonsense.

Look at the number of blacks among conservative pundits and writers—Walter Williams, Thomas Sowell, Star Parker, Condoleezza Rice, Candace Owens, Larry Elder,  Herman Caine, etc.—yet the response of the white left—they hate them. Remember how savagely Clarence Thomas was attacked during his confirmation hearings? Distilled of its nonsense, the real criteria the left was using even for blacks, was that the person must be a leftist. Forever the leftists screamed that they wanted a woman to be the leader of a country. When Margaret Thatcher became the Prime Minister of England, the left hated her and cheered when she died because she was a conservative. As far as they were concerned, it is not about the sex or race of the candidate, it is that he or she must be a leftist. It confirms what we all know, the leftists have no compassion, no heart, or quest to end injustice as they tell the public. What they seek is the deadly power of leftism, whether that person was black, white, Jewish or a Muslim candidate. The conservative is rejected out of hand, no matter how compassionate or how humble his background, or his war record. All that matters is the candidate’s dedication to leftist principles and that he or she holds leftism sacrosanct. Of course, if the person happens to be black or a woman, then that is for the best, because they can then vociferate all the deceitful and false propaganda we have been hearing all these years.


  1. Molnar TS. Utopia: The Perennial Heresy.  Sheed and Ward, 1967.
  2. Carlyle T. The French Revolution: A History. Anboco 2016
  3. Faria, M. America, Guns, and Freedom. Mascot Books, 2019
  4. Seitz A. Us Surgeon General Declares Gun Violence a Public Health Crisis.
  5. Von Mises, L. Socialism: An Economic and Sociological Analysis. Ludwig von Mises Institute. 2011
  6. Harari Y, Yuval talks about biometric data.
  7. Blaylock RL. Masks Pose Serious Risk to Healthy Technocracy-News and Trends, May 11, 2020.
  8. Kisielinski K et al. Possible toxicity of carbon dioxide exposure associated with face mask use, particularly in pregnant women, children and adolescents-A scoping review. Heiyon 2023;9:e14117
  9. Harari, Y. Homo Deus. Harper Perennial, 2018
  10. Sowell T. Intellectuals and Society. Basic Books, 2012
  11. Alinsky S. Rules for Radicals. Vintage Press 1989.

Written by Dr. Russell L. Blaylock

Russell L. Blaylock, M.D. is the president of Theoretical Neuroscience Research, LLC, Canton, Mississippi, a retired neurosurgeon, and the Associate Editor-in-Chief of the Neuro-Inflammation section of Surgical Neurology International (SNI). He has written numerous path-blazing scientific papers and books, including Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills (1994), Bioterrorism: How You Can Survive (2001), Health and Nutrition Secrets (2002), Natural Strategies for Cancer Patients (2003), and The Liver Cure (2022).

This article may be cited as: Blaylock RL. Does the Left Really Believe Its “Woke” Nonsense?, August 19, 2024. Available at:

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