“If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.”
― George Washington
Gun Control and the Hallmarks of Tyranny — A Reappraisal by Miguel A. Faria, MD
Georg Hegel (1770-1831), the father of dialectical idealism, which Karl Marx transmogrified as Marxist dialectical materialism, lamented that what we do learn from history is
Gun Research 2013 — An Interview with Dr. Miguel A. Faria by Craig Schneider, Reporter, Atlanta Journal Constitution
December 18, 2012 AJC Reporter (Questions): Hello — This is Craig Schneider with The Atlanta Journal-Constitution [AJC]. I am writing a story on the controversy
Public Health Gun Control: A Brief History — Part II by Dr. Timothy Wheeler
In Part I of this two-part series I laid out the background and general intentions of public health gun control activists in the early years
The Mystical Nature of (Collectivist) Bureaucracies by Russell L. Blaylock, MD
Recently, I purchased a firearm at a gun show and had an experience that once again solidified my distaste for collectivist bureaucracies. I often tell
Public Health Gun Control: A Brief History — Part I by Dr. Timothy Wheeler
That [public health researchers] prefer the term “gun violence” is revealingof their mind set in approaching the problem, because it puts the emphasison guns and
Stalin: Breaker of Nations
Stalin: Breaker of Nations by Robert Conquest (1991) covers the life of Joseph Stalin, from his childhood in Gori to his death at his Nearer