The Angels in Heaven are Weeping: Dismantling Western Civilization by Russell L. Blaylock, MD

We are witnessing the rapidly increasing dismantling of Western Civilization throughout what is known as the West. In the beginning, it was less obvious as the Left usually organizes such takeovers. Gradualism (as in Fabian socialism) is the name of the game—at least in the beginning or as Saul Alinsky and Antonio Gramsci stated, “a march through the institutions.”[1,2] Even I was surprised that major steps were already beginning at the turn of the last century and began to speed up after the late 1950s and throughout the “hippy movement” of the 1960-1970s. The real move against the values of the West and Judeo-Christianity began to become obvious after the 1960s.[3,4]

We had the removal of requirements for the pledge to allegiance to the flag of the United States in 1942 and prayer was removed from public schools in 1962. The idea was to erase all conscious mention of patriotism and worship of God from children’s education as early as possible. In the view of the Left, “Out of sight, out of mind.” Only allegiance to their concept of the state was to be acknowledged. In fact, they teach in social/communist school systems and in many of their writings that the “state” is God.

I find that many defending these changes, even some “conservatives,” are in full accord with them. With the passage of several generations such changes are no longer “controversial,” rather they are just the natural course of things to be accepted.

The first move in this Marxist direction was when previously required Western Civilization studies were removed from the introductory courses in most major universities and colleges.[5] The leaders of the Left knew that such courses in college taught students about the very foundations of our Western culture and values, just as civics courses taught high school students how their government was supposed to operate and were contrary to what they were expounding.

I remember that during my years in high school, all students were required to take civics, and students had to know every member of each cabinet level office. In today’s world, we are gratified if they even know the name of the Vice President of the United States. At one point, we all took a course called “Americanism vs Communism.” It lasted one semester and then was removed following a leftist lawsuit.

The Left is using our U.S. Constitution and laws against us. As stated by the leftist leaders, all that was necessary was for the appointment of radical leftist judges to fill the nation’s judicial ranks to reinterpret the meaning of the Constitution. The attack on the law began with “interpreting the Constitution in terms of its modern meaning”—that is, by “modern standards of interpretation,” rather than what was originally written and intended by our founders and ratified by three-fourths of the states.[6,7]

The financing of judicial seats now is based on massive funding by wealthy leftist elites, like George Soros. When Judge Robert Bork was nominated by President Ronald Reagan for the U.S. Supreme Court, the left went ballistic. He was portrayed as one who was out to destroy democracy (sound familiar?) and even that “he would bring back slavery to America.” While this was a most absurd charge, it was promoted by the Marxist-supporting mainstream media and resonated among the leftist radicals and the weak-minded idiots who had recently joined the voter rolls. His nomination was turned down, while many conservatives sat silent with only a few daring to speak out. As a result, when we had a leftist president, the conservatives had the incredible idea that if they approve the leftist nominees of the new Democrat president, when their turn came the Democrats would reciprocate. Incredible naivety. And this move to a leftist dominated Supreme Court happened again and again with each new leftist (Democrat) president.

In western understanding, we appreciated that our laws were transcended from God and not from man.  Yet, in the present world we are told that the law comes from the wisdom of man himself. What most Americans do not understand, is that the vast majority of laws do not come from Congress, as outlined in the Constitution, but rather from the bureaucracies. The key is that the principle “ignorance of the law is no excuse” also holds sway with these laws. We are talking about hundreds of thousands of pages of laws, all hidden or at least unknown by the clueless public. One finds that he or she has violated the edicts of these “laws” only after being charged. Unlike Congress, the bureaucracy acts as the judge, jury and the one who describes the punishment for violating these “mostly hidden” laws as well. That makes the bureaucracy the central authority of totalitarian government systems, as we see in virtually all such countries. It also shows the foolishness of those who tell a prying government that “they have nothing to hide.”[8] Many legal scholars have stated that we are all guilty of violating some law, it is just the state’s desire to use them against us.

As for financing the operation of this totalitarian government, most assume it is based on the use of tax monies for funding. Not so. Most funding comes from deficit spending—that is, merely printing the money. Taxes are used mainly to control the people and transfer wealth from the “haves” to the “have-nots.” The IRS is increasingly being used as political police, not unlike the Nazi SS.

In modern times we have seen the law being dismantled altogether, mainly by making major administrative changes in the law. The “soft on criminals” and making dissent a major crime equal to previous major crimes, is the new normal. In the United Kingdom the prisons are full. Not with real criminals but with dissidents, that is, those who fall under the new law—malinformation. That is, making a statement that is true, but makes the public distrust the criminal governments now existing.

The Left is insisting that prisons be emptied of real criminals for two basic reasons: First, to bring down the present society. By doing so, one makes living in this uncontrolled society basically untenable. Second, the Left uses the criminals to control the dissidents. In the Soviet Gulag, common criminals were considered “socially friendly elements.” And they were used to control and persecute the political prisoners.[8] Thus, in the social democracies, it is expected that the new police force, made up of criminal elements, will replace the real police, which they then defund.

There is also excellent evidence that the judiciary acts much like a government as well through its alteration of the laws.[9]

Keep in mind that the entire time they are promising their supporters a coming utopia that is always delayed; it is because of the resisters. Thus, the public must help the government root out and eventually destroy those responsible for preventing the appearance of the utopia.[10,11] This leads to a wide assortment of “citizens” spying on and turning in other citizens.[8] The main enemies, these compliant individuals are told, are the conservatives (labeled the far-right) and the religious (Jews and Christians). They are the ones preventing the utopia from arriving. We saw this plainly represented during the lockdown in the COVID-19 “plandemic.”

When the USSR fell, one of the mysteries was why those who aided the government, the citizen spies, were not rounded up and punished. It was explained by those in the know that would mean most of the population of the Soviet Union would have been arrested and punished as most had engaged in this practice for various reasons. For example, if one wanted his neighbor’s apartment, they merely notified the KGB that they heard the neighbor say something against the government. As a result, the targets were arrested without question, and as is well known, all that was necessary is that the KGB said you were guilty, no proof was needed. An argument with one’s neighbor, a disagreement, virtually anything, could result in being turned in by one’s neighbor.[12]

We experienced this during the COVID lockdown. To aid in this endeavor, the government would also offer rewards for “turning in, to the government agents, violators of these edicts.” We saw this also in the U.S. among Medicare/Medicaid patients being rewarded to turn in their doctor, even if he or she were innocent. It was the doctor’s responsibility to prove his innocence. “Innocent until proven guilty” was thrown out the window.

People became so paranoid in the Soviet Union that they packed suitcases, with some essential belongings and food, under their bed, as they expected to be turned in by their neighbors at any time—the famous “knock on the door at 3 AM.”[13] The West is now busy adopting exactly these same policing principles. Germany, France, Canada, the UK, and Australia are ahead of the game, with the United States not far behind.

The Left has two ultimate goals, both connected. The first is depopulation. The aim, according to their writings, is to reduce the earth’s population by 7.5 billion people, which they contend will make it “sustainable.” The billion or so, “allowed” to live will be subject to intense control of their private lives.[14] In fact, according to Yuval Noah Harari, the new citizen will have no privacy at all.  That includes their most intimate thoughts. New scientific programs are designed to deny the individual to even have the possibility of thoughts outside of what the rulers decide.[15]

Close to gun control (confiscating all guns) was the implementation of censorship by the government. To the leftist it is vital to have no ideological competitors; no one who can tell the truth. As a matter of principle, they felt that they must control all information. In the old Soviet Union, we saw state-controlled Soviet news agency TASS as the bureaucracy that controlled all broadcast news and Pravda as the controller of newspapers. In fact, Pravda was the only newspaper allowed. Each was constructed as an indoctrination medium and to control what the public heard and were exposed to in terms of information.

Our next step was violent attempts to keep conservatives or Christian speakers from speaking in college campuses and later anywhere. These speakers of truth were labeled as “far-right” or “extremists” and of being “fascists.” Of course, as I have said many times, these radicals are looking into a mirror when they say this—that is, they are the “fascists” and are using fascists techniques to reach their goals of total social control.

Colleges and universities were filled with professors that were the radical leftists of the 1960s and 1970s.[16,17] Now they are tenured professors, indoctrinating young minds with leftist nonsense and social Marxism. The public was mostly asleep or busy with what Francis Schafer called notions of “personal peace” and “affluence.” These parents failed to notice that anything was basically wrong with what was happening.[18] They never understood Marxism or the ultimate goals of the radical Left. In essence, they were indifferent to the whole thing. Most knew virtually nothing of life in the Soviet Union, China, or any such surrogate communist hellhole, such as Cuba, North Korea, Vietnam, or Venezuela. As a result, they failed to educate their children as to what was happening, and the Left stole the minds of these young people in the colleges and universities. In today’s world this begins even with the first days of public-school attendance.

In the West we are seeing a tremendous increase in such controls of thought.[19,20] Schools, of course, were the first to be targets of indoctrination. This has increased exponentially with critical race theory and “woke” programs of social change. The push for social engineering is becoming intense, starting at the youngest of age. Grade schools are filling the libraries with filth of the most extreme nature. Small children are having programs in which a “drag queen (transvestite and/or pedophile) reads to them, all dressed in an outlandish, perverted garb. In my opinion it takes a perverted, deranged, or heavily indoctrinated parent to drag their children to these so-called “programs.” In truth, they are indoctrination programs designed to destroy the child’s moral base and understanding of a free society.

The leaders of the communists, Nazis, and other such fascists systems, detest competition of ideas and especially allegiances to God. This is why they hate the major religions of Christianity and Judaism. To the true believers, God and not man, is the final arbiter of what constitutes good and evil. To the collectivist of all stripes, the state is God. To be worshiped and obeyed above everything else. To say, what our Founders stated, God supersedes all man-made laws, is blasphemy against the state.

As a result, religion that holds God as the Creator of all and is to be obeyed before man, is unacceptable and an enemy to their truth. This is what we are seeing, an open assault on belief in the true God. The main weapon the left is using is the “right to an abortion.” Gullible women have been told that “it is their body, and the baby is just an intruder.” Elimination of the unborn has become the standard cry of the leftist crowd. Abstaining from sex is not in their lexicon. The mantra of the left is “if it feels good, do it.”

Connected to all this is the rise in euthanasia. Like abortion, these geniuses see it as a “right.” In Edwin Black’s monumental book, The War on the Weak, we learn that it was the elite in the United States that engineered the euthanasia programs and not the Nazis.[21]  The new elite have learned from the previous elite the major principles of social engineering and most important freeing monies up for “government projects, such as those of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).

 As I have stated before, the government has spent over a trillion dollars buying the votes of the poor and the elderly (welfare and Medicaid and Medicare). Once the Left is safely entrenched in power, which may be soon, they will no longer need these people—they will become expendable as well as a danger. Expendable people are eliminated in communist/Nazi systems. But then, most of the youth have no idea what has happened historically and is still happening in these Marxist/socialist systems. All they see and hear is about a coming utopia promised by the Left.[22]

The Left has spent trillions of dollars and continue to spend hundreds of billions of taxpayer’s monies and created dollars on both the poor and the elderly. With the many systems in place to reduce the population (especially among these groups) slowly, the “useless eaters” are being eliminated. With the aid of the “vaccines” as well as an abundance of other systems, including abortion and euthanasia, they intend to eliminate billions of people more rapidly.

It is a principle of war, that you demonized the enemy—“the yellow peril,” “the Huns,” and the bloodthirsty communists in Korea and North Vietnam. Once American soldiers were convinced the enemy was not human, they had no problem killing him.

Historically the Jews were demonized by those seeking power in Germany, the Nazis. Because of the strict principle of hygiene, the Jewish population were mostly spared from the bubonic plaque, but the rest of society were told that they were “poisoning the wells.” The same occurred with cholera, which virtually disappeared with good hygiene, regularly practiced by the Jews. With these rumors it was easy to convince the non-Jewish public that the Jews were indeed guilty. The Jews were herded into concentration camps and mass murdered, and the German public was both indifferent and not willing to suffer the ire of the Nazi overlords in their defense.

Likewise, encouraged by the radical left will eventually make the majority indifferent to the incarceration and euthanasia to kill off the poor, the disable, and the chronically ill. This hatred has been drastically stepped up by the radical left in the government, in my opinion, for this very reason. Just witness BLM’s drive to demonize the police, border guards, and to empty the prisons onto the streets.

There is “method” to their seeming madness. Why else would the government allow over 30 cities to burn, people to carry out a rampage in the streets and violently attack the innocent? Of course, this can be all covered up by insisting those who are awake are “conspiracy theorist,” a term they popularized.

How else can we explain that the leftists are insistent that violent prisoners be released from prison, including rapists, murders and thieves? Why else would they institute laws they legalize theft of up to 900 dollars per store per day? Why else would they insist that the “people of color” are too stupid to obtain a voter ID? Why else would we have our children’s libraries filled with filthy books, many with gross pictures of sex acts—many involving children?

In the UK, which is ahead of us in its collapse, would the government have a 11-year-old boy arrested for “hate speech”? Why would they arrest people for expressing outrage over the internet concerning three pretty, very young girls being knifed to death at a dance school by an illegal alien?

What is behind all this are two things. Firstly, depopulation—the killing of over 7.5 billion people by the “elite.” Second, is “total critique of society,” that is, the elimination of all that exists presently so that it can be replaced by their new society. This was a principle set by the French Revolution, who saw the revolution as day one in history.[23]

Some have stated that “it must get much worse before society wakes up and things return to normal.” The problem with that thinking is that there is a point at which a return to a free constitutional republic is nearly impossible without a lot of bloodshed. Take a look at the old Soviet Union. It took nearly a century and 60 million dead before it shed this totalitarian system and has not done so in a complete sense yet.[24]  It is much like a riot. It is far easier to implement one than to stop it and return to normal. The cost in the interim can be horrific.

I have stated before that because of the communist revolution in Russia, it has been left out of the tremendous growth afforded the capitalist countries such as the United States and Western Europe for 75 years. Unless things change in Russia, it will never completely recover.[24]

It was ironic that after the fall of the Soviet evil empire, Marxist professors were sent to the Russian university to teach the Russian people about the glories of socialism. We had many dissidents escape the Soviet empire when it was intact and after it fell, yet few Americans and Westerners have read these accounts or listened to these people lecture. Dr. Miguel A. Faria has written two excellent books on his experience in Cuba and Cuba’s dismal historical record.[25,26]  More people should read and study these books. Other such book by witnesses and dissidents should be read and studied as well.[27-29]  

Pete Hegseth has written an excellent book on the destruction of the US military by the radical left.[30] It demands careful reading by the critical thinkers.

Time is growing short. It is time for people to wake up and time for parents to teach their children the truth. As the apostle Paul stated. “Speak now, because soon you will not be able to speak.”  The angels are weeping because man in large numbers has abandoned God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit and instead, wittingly or unwittingly is embracing Satan and his demons.


  1. Alinski S Rules for Radicals. Vintage Press, 1989.
  2. Gramsci A. The Antonio Gramsci Reader. NY University Press, 2000. 
  3. McInerney T, Vallely P, Fanning M, Dilorenzo R. Beyond Treason: The Aftermath of Destruction. Scott Publishing Co., 2024.
  4. Horowitz D. America Betrayed. How a Christian Monk Created America & Why the Left Is Determined to Destroy Her. Skyhorse Publishing, 2024.
  5. How Western Civilization Disappeared From College Campuses. Manhattan Inst. Dec 13th, 2011.
  6. Bork R. Slouching Towards Gomorrah. Modern Liberalism and American Decline. Harper Perennial: 2003.
  7. Bork R. A Time to Speak: Selected Writings and Arguments. ISI Books, 2008.
  8. Berger R. Government by Judiciary. Liberty Fund Inc, 1997.
  9. Faria, M. America, Guns, and Freedom (2019). For the naïveté of Americans, see 223-239; for the socially friendly elements, see “the thieves of the Gulag Archipelago,” 258-260; for citizens spying on citizens, see 263-271.
  10. Niemeyer G. Between Nothingness and Paradise. Louisiana State University Press, 1971.
  11. Voegelin E. From Enlightenment to Revolution. Duke University Press. 1975.
  12. Solzhenitsyn, A. The Gulag Archipelago, Vol 1-3.
  13. Posobiec J, Lisec J. Unhumans. Skyhorse Publishing, 2024.
  14. Blaylock, RL. Cassandra’s Curse: Seeing the future can be dangerous, even deadly., February 4, 2024.
  15. Blaylock, RL. Killing the Opposition: A Leftist Tactic., August 5, 2024.
  16. Horowitz, D. The Professors: The 101 Most Dangerous Academics in America. Regnery Publishing, 2006.
  17. Horowitz D. One party Classroom. Crown Form, 2009.
  18. Gonzalez M, Gorka KC. Next Gen Marxism. What it is and How to Combat It. Encounter Books, 2024
  19. Attkisson S. Slanted. How the News Media Taught us to Love Censorship and hate Journalism. Harper, 2020.
  20. Dershowitz A. The Case Against Censorship. Protecting Free Speech from Big Tech, Progressives and Universities. Hot Books, 2021.
  21. Edwin Black. War Against the Weak, Dialog Press, 2012.
  22. Molnar, TS. Utopia: The Perennial Heresy. Sheed & Ward,1967.
  23. Faria, M. Contrasting Ideals and Ends in the American and French Revolutions. Cambridge Scholars Publishing (in press).
  24. Faria, M. Stalin, Mao, Communism, and their 21st-Century Aftermath in Russia and China.  Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2024
  25. Faria, M. Cuba’s Eternal Revolution Through the Prism of Insurgency, socialism, and Espionage.  Cambridge Scholars Publishing,  2023.
  26. Faria, M. Cuba in Revolution. Escape From a Lost Paradise. Hacienda Publishing Inc, 2002.
  27. Bukovsky V Judgement in Moscow. Ninth of November 2019. 
  28. Kim M. Escaping North Korea. Defiance and Hope in the World’s Most Repressive Society. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. 2008.
  29. Bardach J. Man is Wolf to Man: Surviving the Gulag. Univ Cal Press, 1999.
  30. Hegseth P. The War on Warriors. Fox News Inc, 2024.

Written by Dr. Russell L. Blaylock

Russell L. Blaylock, M.D. is the president of Theoretical Neuroscience Research, LLC, Canton, Mississippi, a retired neurosurgeon, and the Associate Editor-in-Chief of the Neuro-Inflammation section of Surgical Neurology International (SNI). He has written numerous path-blazing scientific papers and books, including Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills (1994), Bioterrorism: How You Can Survive (2001), Health and Nutrition Secrets (2002), Natural Strategies for Cancer Patients (2003), and The Liver Cure (2022).

This article may be cited as: Blaylock RL. The Angels in Heaven are Weeping: Dismantling Western Civilization., September 14, 2024. Available at:

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