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So Much for the Left’s Humanity by Russell L. Blaylock, MD

I lived in North Carolina for about 15 years, where we had a place in the mountains. The people living in these mountains are very nice people, mostly Christian and very dedicated to helping one another. They are also, almost to the last person, Democrats. We now see how the Left treats its own.

The devastation from Hurricane Helene is beyond belief. The destroyed areas were beautiful. In fact, whole cites have been wiped out, and many people have died in this catastrophe. Hundreds are still missing. The forests have been devastated. Our cabin on top of a mountain is in the affected area, and thus far, no one has been able to get to the site to see the extent of the destruction. My sons have contacted several on social media who live in the area, and they have shared what they know. When Alejandro Mayorkas, the head of Homeland Security and FEMA, was asked why no help was being sent to the area he whined that they had run out of money.1

We now know it was spent in large amounts on illegal aliens—housing them in hotels, feeding them free, expensive lunches and giving them enormous amounts of taxpayer money that should have been used for these poor people. Of course, Homeland Security funding is in the billions. In addition, despite what the demented president stated, most of the money (billions) was sent to the Ukrainians, if not given away to the illegals.

Incompetence or Treason

But then it gets worse. The people living in the area stated that they have seen only private citizens and many churches helping to rescue people and not FEMA. Private helicopters are flying in supplies and evacuating many stranded people to safe areas. They are doing this at their own expense. Several have told independent reporters that they were instructed by government officials that if they do any more rescuing of people they will be arrested. One of these arrogant, heartless people was a fire chief and several were local sheriffs.2

Many of these officials are not from the area originally. This explains why they are non-caring, arrogant and have adopted a Napoleon complex. They should be arrested and never allowed to hold public office of any kind again.

If this is how the liberal/left Democrats treat the people they claim as their own, just think how they will rule the entire nation if they win the election. These are heartless monsters. It has become obvious that the illegal immigrants, as probable future supporters of the Democrats, get the money and not U.S. citizens in distress. These illegals have crowded the schools and hospitals, and virtually every living space available. Many are housed in expensive hotels, given expensive free meals and every other consideration imaginable.3  It is obvious, these Democrat monsters expect their vote in return.

Thousands of these illegals are criminals—rapists and murderers—escorted into the country and will likely continue to rob, rape, steal, and establish child sex trafficking operations.4  Over 300,000 of these illegal children are listed as missing.5 When Mayorkas was asked by Congress if he knew where these children were, he stated he had no idea. The same answer he gave Congress when he was asked if he knew where the terrorists escorted into the country were located.7 In an operational country he would be removed from office and arrested as a traitor. The fact that he is still in office demonstrates the level of destruction we have already suffered at the hands of these nefarious Democrats.

Because of what has taken place and is taking place in Western North Carolina and the other affected states. Biden and Harris should be impeached and imprisoned as traitors. We have had so many traitors in government over the last 75 years and to the person their crimes have been ignored and many were promoted, just as we saw in the Secret Service after the near Trump assassination attempts. In the instance of the Secret Service, no one was fired, and many were promoted.

If this incidence does not wake up the “silent majority” I have no idea what will. The Covid “plandemic” was just the beginning. As Paul told the disciples “Speak now because soon you will not be able to speak.”

Longshoremen Strike as a Continuation of Elite Confiscation

It is a principle of psychological warfare that to make propaganda successful one must inundate the public with a series of “crisis” that will not allow them to relax. I recall reading that when the behaviorist scientist Ivan Pavlov published his research findings on his mind control experiments, Stalin was given a copy which he read enthusiastically. When he finished reading the long manuscript, he remarked—“You have saved the revolution.”

Psychological manipulation of the mind of the public (the masses as they refer to the people) is a central feature of today’s revolutions, not just by communists but also the elite who are seeking to establish a central control of the world’s society—world collectivism.

It is ironic that just when all this is happening in North Carolina, Tennessee, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, the head of the Longshoremen union threatens to shut down most of the country unless he gets what he wants. This act of extortion is supported by the Democrats.

If the aborted strike had happened many would have died. The irony is that the idiot leading this strike receives a million dollars a year and was the subject of an indictment with another man by the U.S. Department of Justice.7  His co-defendant was found dead in the trunk of a car. Like the major unions of old, they are entwined with organized crime. He also had a salary of a million dollars a year.8

The ultimate result could be that the ports may become automated, and the workers will permanently lose their jobs. In fact, as part of their demands the strikers wanted automation restricted in the ports. I understand that Daggett, the head of this union, lives in a mansion.

They need to do what Reagan did with the air controllers, fire them and replace them with others willing to take the high salaries they are already paid. When we look at so much of this, we see a higher plan afoot.  When we consider that many businesses were burned during induced rioting, fires were seen all over California, and in Maui as well as legalized stealing aimed at stores (many of which have closed), and who comes along buying up the real estate for a song? Blackrock. Of course, this is my opinion and the opinion of many who lived in these areas. In Maui the residents who lost everything stated that they were offered money for their real estate by Blackrock even before the smoke settled. If that is true, we don’t have a “conspiracy theory” we have a true conspiracy.

Combined with these fires, riots, legalized thievery, and climate change legislation, what we are witnessing is a destruction of true free enterprise and elite-driven collectivism. Real capitalism is being dismantled by the greedy elite. Jesus told us that the root of all evil was “THE LOVE of MONEY.” Not money itself but the love of money—greed.


  1. Freking K, Long C Mayorkas warns FEMA doesn’t have enough funding to last through hurricane season. Ass Press.
  2. Fire Chief Threaten arrest of Helicopter Pilot –Odisho T  Volunteer Pilot Forced to Abandon Stranded Hurricane Victims After Being Threatened with Arrest for Helping Without Permission. Latin Times.
  3. Greenway R. Delux Housing for Illegal Migrants but not for Military? Heritage Foundation.
  4. Ruiz M. Illegals charged with murder, rape and kidnapping in a week of shocking crimes across US. Fox News June 21, 2024.
  5. 300,000 Illegal Immigrant Children Have Gone Missing Under Border Czar Kamala Harris.
  6. House Republicans. Committee activity. Homeland Republicans Demand answers From DHS, FBI on Palestinian Nationals with Terrorist Ties Entering U.S. Illegally at Southwest Border. Aug 13, 2024. 
  7. Ruiz M. Port strike longshoreman union boss linked to murdered mobster in “farce” racketeering case he beat at trial. Oct 4, 2024
  8. Penley T Port Strike: How Much does union boss leading the charge make? Fox Business Oct 2, 2024.

Written by Dr. Russell L. Blaylock

Russell L. Blaylock, M.D. is the president of Theoretical Neuroscience Research, LLC, Canton, Mississippi, a retired neurosurgeon, and the Associate Editor-in-Chief of the Neuro-Inflammation section of Surgical Neurology International (SNI). He has written numerous path-blazing scientific papers and books, including Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills (1994), Bioterrorism: How You Can Survive (2001), Health and Nutrition Secrets (2002), Natural Strategies for Cancer Patients (2003), and The Liver Cure (2022).

This article may be cited as: Blaylock RL. So Much for the Left’s Humanity., October 6, 2024. Available from:

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