The frail, mentally incompetent 80-year-old President of the United States wants to serve in the most demanding position in the world for another six years. Unfortunately, this is no joke, as Biden administration insiders are reporting that the President is preparing to soon announce his re-election campaign kickoff.
Having President Joe Biden even entertain such a possibility is pure lunacy. Biden is certainly mentally incompetent, and his faculties are in serious decline. For years, Americans have witnessed his never-ending gaffes and his propensity for forgetfulness. Often, he even has difficulty exiting the stage after a speech.
For the United States, it is dangerous for such an individual to be in control of our armed forces and nuclear weapons. A mentally incompetent Biden could stumble into a nuclear war that could destroy our entire civilization.
After his first two years as President, no American should have any confidence in Biden. During his presidency, the country’s economy has been in serious decline, as inflation and interest rates have skyrocketed.
The reckless spending of congressional Democrats, with Biden’s support, has undoubtedly contributed to the economic woes. Massive spending packages have been passed, including the $1.9 trillion “American Rescue Plan,” the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill, the $739 billion “Inflation Reduction Act,” and the latest monstrosity, the $1.7 trillion “omnibus spending bill.”
These spending packages have led to the rise of both inflation and our national debt, which now stands at $31.48 trillion dollars.
In one of his first acts as President, Biden unwisely declared war on the fossil fuel industry, shutting down construction of the Keystone XL pipeline and placing a moratorium on new federal oil and gas drilling. As a result, our country, formerly energy independent, is now dependent on untrustworthy foreign oil producers and, last year, gasoline prices reached record levels.
During the Biden presidency, Americans have also faced a supply chain crisis and a shortage of critical items such as baby formula.
The President’s poor leadership skills, as well as “woke” policies and inept handling of our armed forces are some of the reasons why our military recruitment is suffering. For example, the U.S. Army was below recruitment goals by a shocking 25% last year and more troubles are forecast for 2023.
The bungled withdrawal of our military from Afghanistan was the biggest national security blunder in U.S. history. In the process of withdrawing our troops from Afghanistan, Biden left behind a massive air base at Bagram, American citizens, Afghan allies and billions of dollars in military equipment for the radical Taliban government to use.
The tragic operation also resulted in a terrorist attack at the Kabul airport that killed thirteen U.S. military service members and 170 Afghan citizens.
At the end of President Donald Trump’s term, security along our southern border was improving. A border wall was being constructed and sensible policies like “Remain in Mexico” were being implemented.
Unfortunately, Biden tried to reverse everything the last administration was pursuing. Construction of the border wall was halted, and the administration attempted to end both “Remain in Mexico” and “Title 42” provisions.
In effect, Biden rolled out the welcome mat for migrants from around the world to enter our country. The result has been catastrophic as there were 2.76 million illegal immigrant crossings into the country in fiscal year 2022. This was the all-time highest number, exceeding the record total from the previous year by 1.04 million.
With this kind of dismal record, Americans are not enamored with the idea of President Joe Biden running for another term. A recent Rasmussen survey indicated that only 33% of Americans want Biden to run for re-election as President.
Despite the lack of support, Biden is obviously moving forward with another presidential campaign. In November, he told reporters that a re-election campaign would be a “family decision.” During the holidays, Biden discussed these plans with this family as they enjoyed golf and resort amenities in the U.S. Virgin Islands.
According to The Hill, Biden’s advisers have been “quietly building the infrastructure needed for a new campaign.” According to one “ally,” Biden is going to run for re-election, claiming, “I think it’s all about timing at this point. It seems like he’s all in. It’s not really ‘if’ he runs anymore.”
The Washington Post noted that Biden’s team has also been enhancing his “digital footprint on platforms such as TikTok and WhatsApp.”
Incredibly, as Biden’s team prepares for another campaign, one message that they are pitching is that the President is not partisan and will bring Americans together.
One way to promote this message will be to emphasize their massive spending packages, such as the infrastructure bill, which passed with the support of nineteen moderate Republicans in the U.S. Senate, including Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky.
To celebrate one project funded by the bill, Biden visited Kentucky last week and joined McConnell to highlight the reconstruction of a bridge linking the state with Ohio. According to a Democrat Party insider, the event in Kentucky was a “good soft campaign launch for the president…positions Biden’s accomplishments, shows him as a unifier and contrasts him with Republicans who are cannibalizing each other.”
Of course, this is a ridiculous theme considering the way Biden has repeatedly demonized President Trump and likened the massive “Make America Great Again” (MAGA) movement to “semi-fascism.” In a series of speeches in 2022, Biden attacked the MAGA movement as “ultra” and “a threat to this country.”
Pretending Biden is bi-partisan President will not work because he frequently displays his anger at Republicans and has a history of extreme partisanship. No President can unite Americans after making slanderous comments about 74+ million Trump supporters.
The real theme of Biden’s next campaign will be to “divide and conquer.” He will frequently insult the GOP, especially conservatives, and label them “extreme.” Biden will also vilify Donald Trump every way his compromised mind can imagine. No wonder the American people are not excited about another Biden campaign.
Written by Jeff Crouere

Jeff Crouere is a native New Orleanian and his award-winning program, “Ringside Politics,” airs Saturdays from Noon until 1 p.m. CT nationally on Real America’s Voice TV Network & AmericasVoice.News and weekdays from 7-11 a.m. CT on WGSO 990-AM & He is a political columnist, the author of America’s Last Chance and provides regular commentaries on the Jeff Crouere YouTube channel and on For more information, email him at
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