Over the years the CIA has functioned as a guardian of freedom, a protective shield of U.S. national security (and indirectly the West), while routinely remaining in the background and still catching a lot of flak from the left and the right.
In the not-so-distant past, the FBI and the CIA were largely nonpartisan agencies. The legendary first Director of the FBI, J. Edgar Hoover, served from 1935 to his death in 1972, working under six presidents, Republican and Democrat, and building the FBI into the premier domestic counterintelligence and crime fighting agency in the free world.
For its part, the CIA had a stormier course, but not until the debacle of the Bay of Pigs in 1961 was the agency singled out for political finger pointing. It was then that CIA Director Allan Dulles, the longest serving Director of Central Intelligence in the agency’s history (DCI, 1953–1961), was blamed for the disaster and summarily fired by President John F. Kennedy.
The Justice Department and the FBI During the Clinton Administration
In 1993 President Bill Clinton further helped turn the intelligence agencies partisan by firing William S. Sessions, the Director of the FBI (1987–1993), who had been appointed by President Ronald Reagan. Clinton was assisted in forcing the resignation by the most partisan Attorney General in U.S. history, Janet Reno. A few years later, Sessions’ successor, FBI Director Louis Freeh (1993–2001), would also come under fire, this time for insubordination in the same regime headed by the same Janet Reno. The Attorney General’s open political partisanship, her attempts to use the FBI as a Praetorian Guard for President Clinton, and most troubling, her heavy-handed modus operandi at the Department of Justice, persecuting boogey men such as the citizen “militia” and other political opponents of the Clinton administration—represent a dark period in U.S. history. It was Reno who presided over the horrible tragedy in Waco, Texas.
In the inferno that took place on April 19, 1993, 76 Branch Davidians, including their leader David Koresh, and between 20 to 28 children were incinerated in the FBI’s misguided offensive at trying to quell political and religious dissent. During those years, government use of force against political dissent reached a near tyrannical crescendo, and we may suppose that if at any time in the American chronicles the government came close to instituting a reign of terror, the Clinton-Reno regime came the closest to implementing one.
Indeed, much criticism is warranted from the days of Bill Clinton’s presidency with Janet Reno running the Justice Department and George Tenet running the CIA (DCI, 1996–2004), an agency which also experienced more than its share of intelligence failures and political scandals.
The Players in the CIA and FBI During the Obama Administration
During the Obama administration, the CIA acted as a partisan political agency that even joined the liberal media and the Democrat Party in conducting an undeclared but open war against then President-Elect Donald Trump (2016). I don’t remember ever witnessing such political impertinence and atrocious partisanship by either the CIA or FBI in their entire histories.
Writing in The Red Thread: A Search of Ideological Drivers Inside the Anti-Trump Conspiracy (2019), Diana West explained and documented the origin and development of the anti-Trump conspiracy, as well as exposed the actual participants in the Deep State who colluded to sink Donald Trump’s first presidential term. This egregious conspiracy attempted to destroy the candidacy and then the presidency of a duly elected American president, who was deemed a serious enemy of the globalist, secular humanist, and socialistic agenda of the liberal establishment of the Deep State.

At the time, Director of the CIA, John Brennan, and FBI Director, James Comey, both of whom served from 2013 to 2017 during the Obama administration, were high government officials who were tasked to look after the security of the United States. Instead, they betrayed the nation, placing their pro-communist and globalist views ahead of the country they had sworn to protect, trampling upon the rule of law and the U.S. Constitution.
Diana West found that in both of these devious characters, their earlier writings and careers exposed their ideological motives. Ex-CIA Director Brennan admitted to voting in 1976 for Gus Hall, the boss of the Communist Party of the United States (CPUSA). Brennan did this as a calculated risk during a polygraph test. In his master’s thesis in college, “Red-Green” Brennan opined that socialism and distributive justice were better than capitalism and procedural justice. He also explicated that since “Democracy is a process, it may involve the violation of personal liberty and procedural justice.” So much for freedom and the rule of law.
Why was Brennan allowed to ascend the CIA ladder and be appointed by Obama to fill the CIA directorship? Why wasn’t Brennan grilled for his pro-communist views? These were the same questions that West asked and answered, pointing out considerable evidence and persuasively explaining the ideological betrayals of the participants with rational arguments.
In the case of FBI Director Comey, despite his purported Republican affiliation, we learn from Diana West that his chosen intellectual hero was Reinhold Niebuhr (1892–1971), an academician who was passed as an American Protestant theologian, but in reality, was a secular humanist and avowed socialist who favored the communist USSR to capitalist America. His selection of mentor and hero reveals deep insights about the former FBI Director. Comey’s earlier writings in which he paraphrased and emulated Niebuhr also helped explain how he reached his socialistic ideology.
In short, for these progressive socialist elites there was no fixed morality, and the ends justified the means. They were willing to “sin” because in their unctuous judgment, these tortuous ideals superseded the rule of law and the laws of the Republic they had sworn to protect.
The Anti-Trump Conspiracy
In 2017, Accuracy in Media (AIM) journalist Cliff Kincaid also wrote a series of articles on the subject, including “The CIA War on Trump” and “Corrupt CIA Feeds Crooked Media” whose titles are rather descriptive and apropos, recounting the agency attacks on Trump, the unreported CIA scandals, and the complicity of the media. Kincaid wrote:
You couldn’t fault Donald J. Trump for concluding that the CIA is out to get him even before he starts his presidency. Former CIA officials Michael Morell, Michael Hayden and Philip Mudd have all denounced him. Plus, former CIA operations officer Evan McMullin ran against him as an independent presidential candidate.
Obama’s director of the CIA is John Brennan, who recently disclosed that he voted for the Communist Party (CPUSA) ticket when he was in college. He was hired by the CIA anyway and quickly rose through the ranks, even though the CPUSA was funded by Moscow and known to provide cover for Soviet espionage activities. The liberal media haven’t made Brennan’s disclosure into a scandal and didn’t call for any investigations of Obama’s CIA.
So, it was not surprising that CIA Director Brennan at the first opportunity, leaked misleading information to the media, including The Washington Post, which was the newspaper that published the initial and unsubstantiated allegation that “Russia was trying to help Trump win White House.” The media should have been the watchdog of erroneous information and public malfeasance, like when they pursued with relentless passion the Watergate affair in 1974 and Iran Contra in 1987, but of course those were against Republican presidents. But during the Obama administration, the government was sacrosanct. Obama was a civic saint, and no malfeasance could possibly be reported about him, his administration, or his minions.
Diana West also implicated the journalist, Strobe Talbott, a friend of the Clintons, who was cited by Soviet defector Comrade J as an “unofficial contact” (i.e., an agent of influence) by the Soviets during the Cold War. Talbott advised Hillary Clinton on the infamous and fabricated story of the alleged Trump-Russia collusion—the fake Steele Dossier, named after the retired British MI6 agent and “confirmed socialist,” Christopher Steele, who constructed it.
West follows the Red (as in communist not Republican) thread of these individuals that goes deep from the Old Left to the New Left, as previously described by David Horowitz. The thread follows through with involvement of many of these pro-communist, progressive-socialist players culminating with the Deep State conspiracy to destroy Trump, either to nullify the election of 2016 or carry out a coup to overthrow his presidency. Their efforts did not reach full fruition, but they did derail his first term in office. Thus, it is no wonder that in his second term President Trump is moving with record speed to enact the much-needed reforms to reconstitute the American Republic.
Dr. Miguel A. Faria is the author of numerous books, including, Cuba’s Eternal Revolution through the Prism of Insurgency, Socialism, and Espionage (2023); Stalin, Mao, Communism, and their 21st-Century Aftermath in Russia and China (2024); and Contrasting Ideals and Ends in the American and French Revolutions (2024)—the last four books by Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.
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