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Western Civilization

The Angels in Heaven are Weeping: Dismantling Western Civilization by Russell L. Blaylock, MD

We are witnessing the rapidly increasing dismantling of Western Civilization throughout what is known as the West. In the beginning, it was less obvious as the Left usually organizes such takeovers. Gradualism (as in Fabian socialism) is the name of the game—at least in the beginning or as Saul Alinsky and Antonio Gramsci stated, “a […]

The Angels in Heaven are Weeping: Dismantling Western Civilization by Russell L. Blaylock, MD Read More »

Judeo-Christianity and the End of West by Russell L. Blaylock, MD

Dennis Prager gave a much-needed, great fireside chat on the end of Western Civilization recently on his program Prager U—What is driving the death of the West?  His focus was on a declaration by none other than the notorious atheist Richard Dawkins about how England and the world are approaching total chaos because it has

Judeo-Christianity and the End of West by Russell L. Blaylock, MD Read More »

War on Normality—Ongoing Destruction of Western Society by Russell L. Blaylock, MD

As I have written many times, one of the first acts of those who wish to institute a new social or economic system is to totally dismantle existing society, which has been called the “total critique of society.”[1] My example of this principle is the French Revolution, a precursor of world communism. Niemeyer calls this

War on Normality—Ongoing Destruction of Western Society by Russell L. Blaylock, MD Read More »

Western civilization in decline — Part 2: Danger ahead but where are the statesmen? by Miguel A. Faria MD

Editor’s Note: Given the prominence that Hezbollah has attained in Lebanon in the past few weeks, its continued ties with Iran, and the threat that it possess in the Middle East, we thought this article would be very apropos to re-post, as the Democrats have been found to be incapable in dealing with America’s problems,

Western civilization in decline — Part 2: Danger ahead but where are the statesmen? by Miguel A. Faria MD Read More »

The Wonderful World of Classical Music (10 CD Set)

Editor’s Note: In quiet moments, “lose your mind and find your soul” in the pleasures of classical music, an intrinsic part of our Western culture and civilization. Listen to Beethoven and Mozart. Some of us can do this while we read and work. My friend, the political science scholar, George Leef, Director of Research at

The Wonderful World of Classical Music (10 CD Set) Read More »

The Ten Shadiest and Most Devious Politicians/Statesmen/Revolutionists — From ancient times to the early 20th century

This list is admittedly a compilation of sundry and disparate political historic characters, ranging from do-gooder reformers with possibly good intentions to militant revolutionists who desired to overthrow the existing order of government, ostensibly to create a better world. Deviousness and demagoguery are salient features in this list, which has come to include what I

The Ten Shadiest and Most Devious Politicians/Statesmen/Revolutionists — From ancient times to the early 20th century Read More »

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