U.S. Constitution

The Democrats’ unwarranted partisan assault on the Electoral College by Miguel A. Faria, MD

Update: The assault on the Electoral college continues. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the Democratic Socialist from New York’s 14th Congressional District claims the Electoral College is a racist American relic that must be abolished: ” ‘It is well past time we eliminate the Electoral College, a shadow of slavery’s power on America today that undermines our nation […]

The Democrats’ unwarranted partisan assault on the Electoral College by Miguel A. Faria, MD Read More »

Educated citizens, including Christians, have a civic responsibility to vote — preferably for Donald Trump!

I do not mind disagreeing with a fellow conservative when he happens to be local columnist Erick Erickson. Erickson has become the self-appointed arbiter of the limits of “respectable” conservatism. Anyone transcending beyond those limits is to be ostracized, as has happened with his attacks on Donald Trump. But Trump happens to be the man

Educated citizens, including Christians, have a civic responsibility to vote — preferably for Donald Trump! Read More »

Shame on you Justice Ginsburg — Tender your resignation now!

It is bad enough for Supreme Court Justices to throw political shibboleths in private conversations or even in speeches on the lecture circuit, but it is even more egregious when they show their political bias openly in public statements to the sensationalist media and immerse themselves in disgraceful political controversies. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has

Shame on you Justice Ginsburg — Tender your resignation now! Read More »

Let’s keep the Electoral College in Georgia

In a recent column in The Telegraph, Steve Berman wrote the Georgia Legislature was considering “giving up our state’s sovereignty” by proposing House Bill 929 that would elect the president by the popular vote without an Electoral College. He is correct. The American founders, including James Madison, the master builder of the Constitution, opposed direct mass

Let’s keep the Electoral College in Georgia Read More »

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