“If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.”
― George Washington
The death of Stalin — Was it a natural death or poisoning?
Dear Editor, The late scholar and medical researcher Plinio Prioreschi (1930–2014) MD., Ph.D., warned physicians and surgeons of the danger of neglecting medical history and
An editorial critique of the study, “Firearm Ownership and Violent Crime in the U.S.—An Ecologic Study”
Ecologic studies are notorious for inherent errors of methodology, confounding variables, and magnifying other sample biases intrinsic to fault-prone, population-based epidemiological studies. But in the
Bioethics — Should they encourage the killing of unwanted newborn infants?
In medicine and surgery, traditional medical ethics have been based on the Oath of Hippocrates that has endured through the centuries because its precepts are
On morality, herbal remedies, and scientific methodologies — A correspondence between Dr. Russell L. Blaylock and Dr. Miguel A. Faria
Dear Miguel, I just read your magnificent papers recently appearing in Surgical Neurology International (SNI). Your rebuttal to the comment on your original article on
Land Grab by the government — A growing problem
A small but explosive book was recently published by a Macon, Georgia, author that deserves close perusal not only in Middle Georgia but all of
Religious morality (and secular humanism) in Western civilization as precursors to medical ethics: A historic perspective
Abstract — In discussing bioethics and the formulation of neuroethics, the question has arisen as to whether secular humanism should be the sole philosophical guiding