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Preparations For and the Solidification of World Collectivism by Russell L. Blaylock, MD

I have written several newsletters about “the total critique of society,” detailed by Gerhart Niemeyer in his book, Between Nothingness and Paradise.1 This book is the centerpiece of the communist/Nazi conversion of the world to a system of totalitarian collectivism. Basically, it involves the complete destruction of the systems that exist in any country to […]

Preparations For and the Solidification of World Collectivism by Russell L. Blaylock, MD Read More »

The Great Reset: Code Word for World Totalitarianism and Population Control by Russell L. Blaylock, MD

Since the beginning of recorded history, it has been the dream of man to create a world dictatorship. The Roman Empire came the closest. Until now, that dream has been impossible to achieve for several reasons. Technology has played a part in a big way—not only by spying on individuals but also as a brainwashing

The Great Reset: Code Word for World Totalitarianism and Population Control by Russell L. Blaylock, MD Read More »

Competing Political and Economic Systems: China Versus the Free World by Douglas P. Harden 

Is the world on the verge of another Cold War? Will we see Cold War II? Are we already witnessing this phenomenon? Where are the United States and China headed? Let’s examine a few pages from history in the context of this modern-day conflict.  At the heart of communism’s ideology is the goal of a one-world socialist state — worldwide

Competing Political and Economic Systems: China Versus the Free World by Douglas P. Harden  Read More »

No, Mr. Biden, it was “Progressives” who loved Stalin by David C. Stolinsky, MD

He [Trump] would have loved Stalin.— Vice President Joe Biden Although it is difficult to fathom what causes Mr. Biden to make his trademark offhand comments, we can at least try to understand this defamatory remark. Here are two possible explanations for Biden’s latest episode of verbal flatulence: First, Trump jokingly suggested that if the Russians had

No, Mr. Biden, it was “Progressives” who loved Stalin by David C. Stolinsky, MD Read More »

Turkey and the Armenian genocide: Attacking friends and rewarding enemies!

Genocide is defined as the systematic extermination of a racial, ethnic, religious, or national group by government. Democide was defined by Professor R.J. Rummel as the political killing of people by their own government. The terms though are related by infamy and cruelty, and at times are difficult to differentiate. The Nazis, for example, conducted

Turkey and the Armenian genocide: Attacking friends and rewarding enemies! Read More »

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