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In Bed With Castro

The tragic Elian Gonzalez affair, which has been used so skillfully by the Clinton administration (until the violent pre-dawn raid), will be used, mark my words, for the appeasement of Fidel Castro and for trying to establish normal relations with his brutal communist regime. Defending Fidel Castro and his socialist regime (“Socialism or Death”) has

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The Art of Political War: How Republicans Can Fight to Win by David Horowitz

This political booklet subtitled “How Republicans Can Fight to Win,” despite its optimistic tone, carries a disturbing message — namely, that because we live “in a democracy,” for conservatives to win they will have to, in my words, “demagogue” themselves to victory. Politics is war and politics is about winning. This brief book by renown

The Art of Political War: How Republicans Can Fight to Win by David Horowitz Read More »

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