
Random thoughts on the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States by James I. Ausman, MD, PhD

Trump called Alex Jones to thank him and his listeners for their support. It looks like the Counter Coup worked. But there has been no release of Hillary’s health record that I was expecting the weekend before the election. I think all Americans are seeing for the first time the behavior of the Left, the […]

Random thoughts on the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States by James I. Ausman, MD, PhD Read More »

Defying the experts: Why they were wrong about everything by Russell L. Blaylock, MD

What just happened in the 2016 presidential election in many ways was unprecedented and in other ways was expected by keen observers and deep thinkers. Fox News interviewed a university pollster who admitted that all the pollsters, all the political analysts and all the political pundits, were wrong. The only ones who were correct were

Defying the experts: Why they were wrong about everything by Russell L. Blaylock, MD Read More »

Donald Trump President Elect — One Man’s View of the 2016 Election Coverage!

I don’t watch television frequently, but I did so last night, and my wife and I stayed up for the U.S. presidential election coverage — until it was over. We alternated between watching ABC News and CBS News. On ABC News, George Stephanopoulos and Cokie Roberts and the roaming correspondent Cecilia Vega were some of

Donald Trump President Elect — One Man’s View of the 2016 Election Coverage! Read More »

Trump — With moderate Republicans, who needs foes?

The letters in the Telegraph lambasting Trump continue [09/12/16] and that is to be expected in this polarized political season. What is not to be expected, at least by savvy political debaters, is the ease with which these letter writers inconveniently ignore the rebuttals already made in total disregard of the usual rules followed in

Trump — With moderate Republicans, who needs foes? Read More »

The use of propaganda and psychological warfare by the Left by Russell L. Blaylock, M.D.

Introduction This momentous essay was written by my friend, Dr. Russell L. Blaylock, who has studied political science, in general, and totalitarianism and communism, in particular, for nearly five decades. Dr. Blaylock wrote this paper in 1989 but the manuscript had been lost. Fortunately, he had sent me a copy, which I had read, kept

The use of propaganda and psychological warfare by the Left by Russell L. Blaylock, M.D. Read More »

Millennials — anti-capitalist, progressive (socialist) American youth?

Anyone who is not a liberal at 20 years of age has no heart,while anyone who is still a liberal at 40 has no head.— Winston Churchill (1874-1965) quoted inThe Hartford Courant, a Connecticut newspaper. Two recent surveys are quite alarming, but we should not be surprised that the mainstream media have promulgated them with

Millennials — anti-capitalist, progressive (socialist) American youth? Read More »

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