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media sensationalism

Mass Shootings in the United States Placed in Proper Perspective by Miguel A. Faria, MD

Mass shootings are a heinous crime, and for the victims and the rest of the population, a tragedy. That should not detract from the fact that many, if not most, of the culprits are deranged malcontents, who in many ways are aberrant products of the times in which we live. Nor should we abdicate our […]

Mass Shootings in the United States Placed in Proper Perspective by Miguel A. Faria, MD Read More »

Contemporary popular culture and the antiheroes of the Hollywood Left by Russell L. Blaylock, MD

In the wake of the outrageous film, “The Hunt,” about cruelly hunting Trump followers as the “deplorables” by the liberal elite, it is worthwhile, once again, to point out, not only Hollywood’s progressive hypocrisy, but also the vulgarity and depravity of Hollywood and the socialist elite pushing for gun control while glorifying violence! Antihero worship

Contemporary popular culture and the antiheroes of the Hollywood Left by Russell L. Blaylock, MD Read More »

The Las Vegas massacre and the Mass Shooting Derangement (MSD) syndrome by Miguel A. Faria, MD

The recent Las Vegas shooting massacre has left us in a state of shock. How can anyone be driven by personal demons to massacre innocent people to such a horrific extent?  In the context of this heinous carnage, many of us experienced in astonishingly rapid succession the five stages of grief for the victims, as

The Las Vegas massacre and the Mass Shooting Derangement (MSD) syndrome by Miguel A. Faria, MD Read More »

A conversation on the progressive media and corporativist elite — Are the American elections rigged?

Jose: Do you think Trump might have a point when he says the election is rigged? I also received this email about the media elite and the corporations pulling the strings: It’s a big club for a select few: Only 6 Corporations: 1. GE (owns Comcast, NBC, Universal Pictures, Focus Features)2. Newscorp (owns Fox, Wall

A conversation on the progressive media and corporativist elite — Are the American elections rigged? Read More »

Medios De Comunicacion, Salud Mental y Ataques Con Armas De Fuego

Abstract — En la práctica de la medicina, el cirujano no puede garantizar el resultado porque pueden ocurrir complicaciones; lo mismo puede pasar con las armas de fuego, que pueden ser usadas indebidamente por personas que no deberían tenerlas. Los políticos no deben utilizar tragedias debido a tiroteos callejeros como pretexto para dictar leyes que

Medios De Comunicacion, Salud Mental y Ataques Con Armas De Fuego Read More »

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