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firearm availability

Firearms, gun control, and the role of the militia in modern society by Miguel A. Faria, MD

Showdown: The Looming Crisis Over Gun Control by Lenden A. Eakin (Mascot Books, 2014) is more than a book about the politics of gun control in the United States. It is a concise narrative not only about “the looming crisis over gun control” but also a clear and concise tome explaining the relevance of military […]

Firearms, gun control, and the role of the militia in modern society by Miguel A. Faria, MD Read More »

Firearms and ‘assault weapons’ during natural catastrophes by Miguel A. Faria, MD

In 2005, at the time of Hurricane Katrina, the New Orleans police used the excuse of enforcing compliance with the mandatory evacuation order to confiscate firearms. They went door-to-door seizing guns from the people who stayed behind hoping to ride out the storm. These were the same firearms that the citizens expected to have available

Firearms and ‘assault weapons’ during natural catastrophes by Miguel A. Faria, MD Read More »

Lab Accident: How Congress Stopped the CDC’s gun-control plan and saved science! by Dr. Timothy Wheeler

We can all feel it. With violent crime dominating the headlines, the pressure to blame gun owners is mounting. Everywhere we look, we see the familiar gun grabbers calling for “universal” background checks, a ban on semi-automatic rifles, and that old saw, restoring funding to the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for

Lab Accident: How Congress Stopped the CDC’s gun-control plan and saved science! by Dr. Timothy Wheeler Read More »

An editorial critique of the study, “Firearm Ownership and Violent Crime in the U.S.—An Ecologic Study”

Ecologic studies are notorious for inherent errors of methodology, confounding variables, and magnifying other sample biases intrinsic to fault-prone, population-based epidemiological studies. But in the paper, “Firearm Ownership and Violent Crime in the U.S.—An Ecologic Study,” recently published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine,[1] we find additional problems resulting from the well known proclivity

An editorial critique of the study, “Firearm Ownership and Violent Crime in the U.S.—An Ecologic Study” Read More »

Gun Shows Under Fire

Law-abiding gun owners should not become complacent because gun prohibitionist organizations, such as the Million Mom March and Handgun Control Inc., seem to be in retreat, if not scrambling and looking for cover. Other gun control groups, deceptively using more reasonable- and innocuous-sounding names such as Americans for Gun Safety (AGS), Women Against Gun Violence,

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