Electoral College

Let’s keep the Electoral College in Georgia

In a recent column in The Telegraph, Steve Berman wrote the Georgia Legislature was considering “giving up our state’s sovereignty” by proposing House Bill 929 that would elect the president by the popular vote without an Electoral College. He is correct. The American founders, including James Madison, the master builder of the Constitution, opposed direct mass […]

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The Electoral College and the U.S. Presidential Elections Revisited

The Founding Fathers in their wisdom established a Constitutional Republic with a federal system in which each and every state, large and small, has a major stake in the election of the chief executives, the President and Vice President, of the United States of America. This federal system incorporated an enduring system of checks and

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The Electoral College: Even More Important Now, Not Less

Senator-elect Hillary Rodham Clinton was correct when she said in Albany, New York, “I hope no one is ever in doubt again about whether their vote counts.” Indeed, citizens should make their votes count, but they also have a responsibility to become informed and vigilant in exercising that civic duty. She is quite wrong, though,

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