
Biden’s Disorganized Dictatorship by Cliff Kincaid

There’s nothing socialists and communists hate more than a disorganized dictatorship, unable to consolidate power. As a result, the plan for Biden’s $3 trillion “human infrastructure” plan, described by socialist scholar Paul LeBlanc as “Socialist Convergence” for America through the Green New Deal, remains in limbo. The “progressives” are angry. This rage represents an opportunity […]

Biden’s Disorganized Dictatorship by Cliff Kincaid Read More »

The devastating Venezuelan crisis by James I. Ausman, MD, PhD

ABSTRACT — The Venezuelan crisis is filling the headlines and truly deserves the world’s attention. It is a wake-up call to all as it holds relevant lessons for both developing and developed countries. The country suffers a severe humanitarian crisis. Its economy has declined at a faster pace than any other peacetime economy worldwide. Hardship

The devastating Venezuelan crisis by James I. Ausman, MD, PhD Read More »

The Political Spectrum (Part I): The Totalitarian Left from Communism to Social Democracy

The “Right” versus “Left” convenient but capricious political arrangement came from the seating position of delegates to the National Assembly during the French Revolution, but it is at times a confusing concept and too often subject to media and academic bias and even misinformation. I have found it easier to have a political spectrum based

The Political Spectrum (Part I): The Totalitarian Left from Communism to Social Democracy Read More »

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