
No, Mr. Biden, it was “Progressives” who loved Stalin by David C. Stolinsky, MD

He [Trump] would have loved Stalin.— Vice President Joe Biden Although it is difficult to fathom what causes Mr. Biden to make his trademark offhand comments, we can at least try to understand this defamatory remark. Here are two possible explanations for Biden’s latest episode of verbal flatulence: First, Trump jokingly suggested that if the Russians had […]

No, Mr. Biden, it was “Progressives” who loved Stalin by David C. Stolinsky, MD Read More »

Anatoliy Golitsyn, James Jesus Angleton, and double agents in the wilderness of mirrors of the Cold War by Miguel A. Faria, MD

A close friend, with whom I frequently hold discussions on the subject of the Cold War and communism, told me that we are still being deceived by the Russians, that the Cold War is not over, and that “…We have convinced ourselves that ‘communism is in the dustbin of history,’ which is exactly what the

Anatoliy Golitsyn, James Jesus Angleton, and double agents in the wilderness of mirrors of the Cold War by Miguel A. Faria, MD Read More »

The use of propaganda and psychological warfare by the Left by Russell L. Blaylock, M.D.

Introduction This momentous essay was written by my friend, Dr. Russell L. Blaylock, who has studied political science, in general, and totalitarianism and communism, in particular, for nearly five decades. Dr. Blaylock wrote this paper in 1989 but the manuscript had been lost. Fortunately, he had sent me a copy, which I had read, kept

The use of propaganda and psychological warfare by the Left by Russell L. Blaylock, M.D. Read More »

Capitalism’s money and guns saved socialism

Green Perry’s mellifluous language and arguments in his letter almost makes one hope socialism does triumph globally and stops all the evils of capitalism. What a soporific! First of all, the top six countries he mentioned, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Australia, New Zealand and France, started from a higher economic base than most of the world

Capitalism’s money and guns saved socialism Read More »

The death of Stalin — Was it a natural death or poisoning?

Dear Editor, The late scholar and medical researcher Plinio Prioreschi (1930–2014) MD., Ph.D., warned physicians and surgeons of the danger of neglecting medical history and delegating the task to social historians or journalists with little or no medical or surgical knowledge. Dr. Prioreschi summarized the point by stating that competent medical history is medicine. Medicine

The death of Stalin — Was it a natural death or poisoning? Read More »

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