
The Death of Stalin — The Final Word? by Adam R. Bogart, PhD and Miguel A. Faria, MD

In a series of communications, Dr. Miguel Faria encouraged me to update and revise this conversation both private as well as what has been posted at his website and attempt to resolve some issues that had been left open. I’m not sure that we can do that, since in close to four years after these […]

The Death of Stalin — The Final Word? by Adam R. Bogart, PhD and Miguel A. Faria, MD Read More »

Book Review of Darkness at Noon by Arthur Koestler. Reviewed by Miguel A. Faria, MD

I went to Communism as one goes to a spring of fresh water, and I left Communism as one clambers out of a poisoned river strewn with the wreckage of flooded cities and the corpses of the drowned.— Arthur Koestler Darkness at Noon (1940) by Arthur Koestler is worth reading and not forgetting. It is

Book Review of Darkness at Noon by Arthur Koestler. Reviewed by Miguel A. Faria, MD Read More »

A conversation with Dr. Adam Bogart about the Bolsheviks and Lenin’s and Stalin’s illnesses by Miguel A. Faria, MD

November 12, 2016, Hi Miguel, Food for thought [“Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev (1857–1927): Strange Circumstances Surrounding the Death of the Great Russian Neurologist” by Kesselring J] … It seems either Stalin or some of his colleagues consulted a neurologist about his withered arm in 1927, and the neurologist made a diagnosis of syringomyelia. [But] it is

A conversation with Dr. Adam Bogart about the Bolsheviks and Lenin’s and Stalin’s illnesses by Miguel A. Faria, MD Read More »

No, Mr. Biden, it was “Progressives” who loved Stalin by David C. Stolinsky, MD

He [Trump] would have loved Stalin.— Vice President Joe Biden Although it is difficult to fathom what causes Mr. Biden to make his trademark offhand comments, we can at least try to understand this defamatory remark. Here are two possible explanations for Biden’s latest episode of verbal flatulence: First, Trump jokingly suggested that if the Russians had

No, Mr. Biden, it was “Progressives” who loved Stalin by David C. Stolinsky, MD Read More »

The death of Stalin — Was it a natural death or poisoning?

Dear Editor, The late scholar and medical researcher Plinio Prioreschi (1930–2014) MD., Ph.D., warned physicians and surgeons of the danger of neglecting medical history and delegating the task to social historians or journalists with little or no medical or surgical knowledge. Dr. Prioreschi summarized the point by stating that competent medical history is medicine. Medicine

The death of Stalin — Was it a natural death or poisoning? Read More »

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