
The Enlightenment — A triumph of classical not modern liberalism!

In a recent op-ed titled, “The ‘Enlightenment’ keeps on winning,” James A. Haught, an editor emeritus of a West Virginia newspaper, asserts in his latest column that since the advent of the Enlightenment, for three centuries, liberals have scored a string of historical victories over conservatives, and he “hopes the progressive pattern keeps rolling forever.” […]

The Enlightenment — A triumph of classical not modern liberalism! Read More »

Dismantling Christianity and Western civilization — and replacing them with what?

For new readers it might be difficult to tell if Dr. Bill Cummings’ column “Is Christianity dying in America?”[1] was written with glee or with slight regret, like the puzzling smile of Leonardo da Vinci’s “Mona Lisa.” For those of us who have read some of his previous columns deprecating the Catholic Church, of course,

Dismantling Christianity and Western civilization — and replacing them with what? Read More »

Collectivism, secular humanism, scientific positivism (scientism) and centralized state power — Part 2: Centralization of power by Russell L. Blaylock, MD

The essence of all revolutionary systems and their eventual political manifestation depends on gaining, extending, and retaining power. Direct action, as we witnessed in the French Revolution and the revolutions that followed, such as National Socialism in Germany, fascism in Italy, and Soviet, Cuban, Southeast Asian and Chinese communism, brings centralized political power to the

Collectivism, secular humanism, scientific positivism (scientism) and centralized state power — Part 2: Centralization of power by Russell L. Blaylock, MD Read More »

Collectivism, secular humanism, scientific positivism (scientism) and centralized state power — Part 1: A most dangerous admixture by Russell L. Blaylock, MD

One of the great books of the 20th century was Richard Weaver’s Ideas Have Consequences.[1] I once had a fellow medical student tell me as I was discussing the dangers of communism that it mattered little what a person believes—ideas, she informed me, were personal and benign. Weaver shatters this dangerous idea in his scholarly

Collectivism, secular humanism, scientific positivism (scientism) and centralized state power — Part 1: A most dangerous admixture by Russell L. Blaylock, MD Read More »

The Currency War with Russia and China by James I. Ausman, MD, PhD

Economically worldwide things are developing as I stated in my article two years ago. Virtually every nation is bankrupt, has resorted to printing money to lower the value of their currency with a resultant currency war. They all have huge debts, failing economies, and centralized control by Fed-like organizations. They are now trying, with Russian

The Currency War with Russia and China by James I. Ausman, MD, PhD Read More »

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