
The Ten Shadiest and Most Devious Politicians/Statesmen/Revolutionists — From ancient times to the early 20th century

This list is admittedly a compilation of sundry and disparate political historic characters, ranging from do-gooder reformers with possibly good intentions to militant revolutionists who desired to overthrow the existing order of government, ostensibly to create a better world. Deviousness and demagoguery are salient features in this list, which has come to include what I […]

The Ten Shadiest and Most Devious Politicians/Statesmen/Revolutionists — From ancient times to the early 20th century Read More »

An Appeal to the GOP: Get the Republican House in Order! by Miguel A. Faria, MD

When Barack Obama was elected and re-elected president in 2008 and 2012, the GOP went out of its way to reach across the aisle to the Democrats and extend to President Obama two sequential honeymoon periods. Conservatives waited and hoped for the political pendulum to swing their way. But the future did not look bright.

An Appeal to the GOP: Get the Republican House in Order! by Miguel A. Faria, MD Read More »

Liberal intolerance — Tearing down monuments, rejecting history by Miguel A. Faria, MD

On August 14, 2017 radical protesters in Durham, N.C., torn down a Confederate monument that had been standing in front of the town Courthouse. , “the statute was pulled down from its perch with a yellow nylon rope as protesters cheered. Once the monument crashed down to the ground, several people spit on and kicked

Liberal intolerance — Tearing down monuments, rejecting history by Miguel A. Faria, MD Read More »

U.S. health care debate — Part 1: Debunking leftist rhetoric by Miguel A. Faria, MD

Of a fallen tree all make kindling, says the old proverb, and like most refrains, it conveys an element of truth. The fact the Republicans are having difficulty agreeing on a winning alternative plan to ObamaCare makes both the Senate and House proposals looming targets for critics. The Left’s ultimate goal is to dismantle the

U.S. health care debate — Part 1: Debunking leftist rhetoric by Miguel A. Faria, MD Read More »

Wishful thinking and divining Donald Trump by Miguel A. Faria, MD

A recent column by Bill Ferguson, a Telegraph (Macon) columnist, discusses the art of the possible, certainly not in terms of mathematical probability, but in terms of historical political guesswork. Ferguson asks, “Could Trump be worst U.S. President ever?” One suspects wishful thinking in this act of political divination. Apparently, Ferguson thinks he has found

Wishful thinking and divining Donald Trump by Miguel A. Faria, MD Read More »

Vladimir Putin — Part II: A threat to the Power Elite and the New World Order by Russell L. Blaylock, MD

Part 1 of Dr. Miguel Faria’s analysis of Vladimir Putin and the war in the Middle East, as with all his writings, is well worth reading and pondering deeply as it contains some excellent observations. I have been driven by new information to revise my original article on Putin and Russia, not so much on

Vladimir Putin — Part II: A threat to the Power Elite and the New World Order by Russell L. Blaylock, MD Read More »

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