Stalin, Mao, Communism, and their 21st-Century Aftermath (Part V)—A Commentary by Adam R. Bogart, PhD

Part V of Dr. Faria’s book discusses espionage by the KGB and CIA during the Cold War.          Dr. Faria starts by listing four seminal books essential for students of Cold War espionage. He proceeds to summarize the most important spies with examples, such as Soviet espionage student Kaarlo Tuomi dialoguing with his instructor Aleksei […]

Stalin, Mao, Communism, and their 21st-Century Aftermath (Part V)—A Commentary by Adam R. Bogart, PhD Read More »

Despite Golitsyn’s warnings, Soviet and KGB mentality still prevail in Russia by Russell L. Blaylock, MD

Editor’s comment In response to a reader asking for more information on Anatoliy Golitsyn’s predictions of long-range strategic communist deception and worrisome developments throughout the world, not only Russia but also China, Germany, and the U.S., I asked Dr. Russell L. Blaylock, contributor, to comment on these developments. As usual, Dr. Blaylock went

Despite Golitsyn’s warnings, Soviet and KGB mentality still prevail in Russia by Russell L. Blaylock, MD Read More »

Roosevelt and Stalin — The Subversion of FDR’s Government by Communist Traitors and Fellow Travelers

Stalin’s Secret Agents: The Subversion of Roosevelt’s Government was written by two experienced authors and recognized authorities on the Cold War, M. Stanton Evans and Herbert Romerstein. Evans is a veteran journalist and former broadcaster, as well as the author of Blacklisted by History (2009), a biography of Senator Joseph McCarthy, and other momentous books. Romerstein

Roosevelt and Stalin — The Subversion of FDR’s Government by Communist Traitors and Fellow Travelers Read More »

JFK Assassination Case Closed But the Conspiracy Refuses to Die!

Case Closed: Lee Harvey Oswald and the Assassination of JFK by Gerald Posner is the definitive book on the JFK assassination. Case Closed is duly named as an authoritative and definitive treatise on the subject. The book is well investigated, well written, and thoroughly convincing because of the meticulous research and persuasive, logical narrative of

JFK Assassination Case Closed But the Conspiracy Refuses to Die! Read More »

From courageous widow to avenging spy! A book review of The Widow Spy (2012)

The Widow Spy is a real-life thriller that begins with a seemingly typical American housewife, Martha (“Marti”) D. Peterson, who in an unusual gesture invites her two teenage children out to lunch. This is twenty years after the main events subsequently depicted in the book. She had remarried and was living what appeared to be

From courageous widow to avenging spy! A book review of The Widow Spy (2012) Read More »

Cloak and Dagger Dullness While Bashing the CIA! — A review of the movie The Good Shepherd (2006)

On the DVD cover of the movie “The Good Shepherd,” former late night, talk show host Larry King wrote in the blurb, “The Best Spy movie ever.” He is completely wrong on this one! This film is, perhaps, one of the worst ever, but certainly not the best — not by a long shot! And

Cloak and Dagger Dullness While Bashing the CIA! — A review of the movie The Good Shepherd (2006) Read More »

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