international politics

What’s happening in Europe that’s making the elites of the EU tremble? by Miguel A. Faria, MD

Conservative, nationalist parties seeking to preserve what remains of European civilization have won control of governments in various European nations. Little of this is reported by the mainstream liberal media in the U.S. Populist parties have won victories by large margins in Italy, Austria, Hungary, Poland, and the Czech Republic. The globalist European Union, led […]

What’s happening in Europe that’s making the elites of the EU tremble? by Miguel A. Faria, MD Read More »

The British election — A setback and a political realignment, not a devastating defeat by Miguel A. Faria, MD

The news and sound bites are reverberating and progressive internationalists are gloating at the supposed catastrophe that had befallen the British Prime Minister Theresa May and the Conservative (CON; Tories) Party in the U.K. elections. There is no question that the result was an unexpected disappointment — but was it the catastrophic or “devastating”defeat reported

The British election — A setback and a political realignment, not a devastating defeat by Miguel A. Faria, MD Read More »

Scotland and Britain and the historic referendum for Scottish independence — a disinterested view from afar by Miguel A. Faria, MD

After a highly charged two-year campaign, the Scottish people have spoken, and the final vote and tally completed. On September 18, 2014, Scotland voted on the issue of Scottish independence in a massive referendum. The result being that Scotland would stay within the United Kingdom after all — rejecting, by a decisive vote, the call

Scotland and Britain and the historic referendum for Scottish independence — a disinterested view from afar by Miguel A. Faria, MD Read More »

Letter to the Editor: Regarding “International Perspective: Neurological Surgery in Nicaragua.”

I read with interest the article by Robert J. Coffey, M.D., entitled “International Perspective: Neurological Surgery in Nicaragua.” The article was informative in its description of neurological surgery per se, but it was unfortunately saturated with much political propaganda (albeit in a neurological journal), which requires some criticism. First, the practice of medicine (and neurosurgery)

Letter to the Editor: Regarding “International Perspective: Neurological Surgery in Nicaragua.” Read More »

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