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Hollywood hypocrisy

No Satisfaction With Stone Age Celebrities Jagger and De Niro by Jeff Crouere

Why can’t singers just sing, and actors just act? Why do they always have to enter the realm of politics? It is an area very few celebrities are knowledgeable about and most just spew ridiculous left-wing talking points. Sadly, almost all the top Hollywood celebrities and rock stars are progressive fools. A perfect example is […]

No Satisfaction With Stone Age Celebrities Jagger and De Niro by Jeff Crouere Read More »

The Hollywood Left, the Antihero, and a Dystopic Future by Miguel A. Faria, MD

The scandal about the rejected movie “The Hunt” took me to an article by Dr. Russell L. Blaylock about Hollywood’s immersion in the despicable in general and the veneration of the antihero in particular. Dr. Blaylock’s description of Hollywood’s antihero is colorful — accurate representations of the typical protagonists depicted in the Hollywood movies of

The Hollywood Left, the Antihero, and a Dystopic Future by Miguel A. Faria, MD Read More »

Contemporary popular culture and the antiheroes of the Hollywood Left by Russell L. Blaylock, MD

In the wake of the outrageous film, “The Hunt,” about cruelly hunting Trump followers as the “deplorables” by the liberal elite, it is worthwhile, once again, to point out, not only Hollywood’s progressive hypocrisy, but also the vulgarity and depravity of Hollywood and the socialist elite pushing for gun control while glorifying violence! Antihero worship

Contemporary popular culture and the antiheroes of the Hollywood Left by Russell L. Blaylock, MD Read More »

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