
The death of Stalin — Was it a natural death or poisoning?

Dear Editor, The late scholar and medical researcher Plinio Prioreschi (1930–2014) MD., Ph.D., warned physicians and surgeons of the danger of neglecting medical history and delegating the task to social historians or journalists with little or no medical or surgical knowledge. Dr. Prioreschi summarized the point by stating that competent medical history is medicine. Medicine […]

The death of Stalin — Was it a natural death or poisoning? Read More »

Religious morality (and secular humanism) in Western civilization as precursors to medical ethics: A historic perspective

Abstract — In discussing bioethics and the formulation of neuroethics, the question has arisen as to whether secular humanism should be the sole philosophical guiding light, to the exclusion of any discussion (or even mention) of religious morality, in professional medical ethics. In addition, the question has arisen as to whether freedom or censorship should

Religious morality (and secular humanism) in Western civilization as precursors to medical ethics: A historic perspective Read More »

A journey through time to ancient Greek medicine with medical historian and classical scholar Plinio Prioreschi, MD, PhD

In our review of the first volume in this series we introduced the medical scholar Dr. Plinio Prioreschi, the author of this marvelous narrative of the history of medicine, and listed the composition of this series of tomes for the benefit of the readers.[1] We do so again here for the same reason: A History

A journey through time to ancient Greek medicine with medical historian and classical scholar Plinio Prioreschi, MD, PhD Read More »

A fascinating look at primitive and ancient medicine by medical historian and classical scholar Plinio Prioreschi, MD, PhD

Plinio Prioreschi, MD, PhD (1930–2014), the author of this monumental series of tomes on the history of medicine was an accomplished scholar — i.e., physician, scientist, linguist (of classical and several modern languages), pharmacologist, medical historian, and ethicist, as well as thinker, although he did not necessarily claim all of these accomplishments. Prioreschi completed his

A fascinating look at primitive and ancient medicine by medical historian and classical scholar Plinio Prioreschi, MD, PhD Read More »

Turkey and the Armenian genocide: Attacking friends and rewarding enemies!

Genocide is defined as the systematic extermination of a racial, ethnic, religious, or national group by government. Democide was defined by Professor R.J. Rummel as the political killing of people by their own government. The terms though are related by infamy and cruelty, and at times are difficult to differentiate. The Nazis, for example, conducted

Turkey and the Armenian genocide: Attacking friends and rewarding enemies! Read More »

The Currency War with Russia and China by James I. Ausman, MD, PhD

Economically worldwide things are developing as I stated in my article two years ago. Virtually every nation is bankrupt, has resorted to printing money to lower the value of their currency with a resultant currency war. They all have huge debts, failing economies, and centralized control by Fed-like organizations. They are now trying, with Russian

The Currency War with Russia and China by James I. Ausman, MD, PhD Read More »

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