gun control

The real issue behind the gun control ‘debate’ by Russell L. Blaylock, MD

There are a couple of ways to look at the issue of the so-called gun control “debate.” One can take it at face value — the Leftists being truly concerned with gun violence and the emotional toll on our society and the conservatives wanting to protect individual rights or self-protection. Or one can see it […]

The real issue behind the gun control ‘debate’ by Russell L. Blaylock, MD Read More »

Should the U.S. adopt gun control as in the democracies of the British Commonwealth or Japan? by Miguel A. Faria MD

Following the Parkland High School mass shooting on Valentine’s Day, gun control has once again been pushed to the forefront of political discussion by gun prohibitionists exploiting each and every tragedy to carry on their not so hidden agenda. This time they have even recruited teenagers, who understandably fear not only deranged madmen carrying out

Should the U.S. adopt gun control as in the democracies of the British Commonwealth or Japan? by Miguel A. Faria MD Read More »

On ‘constructive criticism’ of gun violence — a GOPUSA dialogue by Miguel A. Faria, MD

In the wake of the terrible Parkland, Florida, high school shooting on Valentine’s Day, a reader/commenter issued a challenge to me not just to criticize but also to provide “constructive criticism” regarding gun violence. He was responding to my article published the day before the tragic incident.  Some of the queries have validity and

On ‘constructive criticism’ of gun violence — a GOPUSA dialogue by Miguel A. Faria, MD Read More »

Gun violence is not an epidemic and firearms are not viruses that need to be eradicated! by Miguel A. Faria, MD

The public health establishment, supported by the medical journals, has renewed its call for the need for more gun research to be conducted by the CDC and funded by taxpayers. In other words, public health researchers want more taxpayer’ money to tell us that guns are a disease that must be eradicated. But as many

Gun violence is not an epidemic and firearms are not viruses that need to be eradicated! by Miguel A. Faria, MD Read More »

Concealed carry reciprocity coming soon to the U.S. Senate? by Miguel A. Faria, MD

Somehow but not unsurprisingly the mainstream liberal media has kept under wraps the fantastic Christmas present passed by the House of Representatives on December 6, 2017 for the benefit of citizens who value freedom and their ability to protect themselves and their families outside the homes. We refer to the passage of a major piece

Concealed carry reciprocity coming soon to the U.S. Senate? by Miguel A. Faria, MD Read More »

Censorship: How the medical journals deny academic freedom by Miguel A. Faria, MD

Science requires an ambient of academic freedom that entails the free exchange of ideas, ideas that can be tested in the laboratory and eventually rejected or accepted by the rigorous scientific method. But how can dissenters be heard when medical journals have established a monolithic wall of censorship, excluding ideas different from those espoused by

Censorship: How the medical journals deny academic freedom by Miguel A. Faria, MD Read More »