
Disarmed and Unprotected by Miguel A. Faria, MD

For many years, the federal government has arrogated more power to itself at the expense of the individual states, including policing actions that should fall within the jurisdiction of state courts and not the federal judiciary. Likewise, federal government intrusion into every aspect of the lives of Americans continues at a nonstop pace. Therefore, it […]

Disarmed and Unprotected by Miguel A. Faria, MD Read More »

‘America, Guns, and Freedom’ Offers Antidote to Anti-Gun Quackery by David Codrea

“[U]tilitarian ethics refers to the judgment of a course of action being good (right) or bad (wrong) based on societal consequences, such as cost, and not necessarily on benefits to the individual,” Miguel A. Faria, Jr., M.D. writes in America, Guns, and Freedom, an exhaustive study on the Second Amendment and its perversion for political purposes

‘America, Guns, and Freedom’ Offers Antidote to Anti-Gun Quackery by David Codrea Read More »

Is Gun Control About People Control? Answering a critical letter from a reader by Miguel A. Faria, MD

Regarding Drs. James I. Ausman’s and Miguel A. Faria’s article “Is gun control about people control?” published in Surgical Neurology International (SNI), we received the following critical letter from a reader: Dear Sirs, “Is gun control about people control?” No, it’s about having regulations over a tool that is easily gotten and easily kills. Why

Is Gun Control About People Control? Answering a critical letter from a reader by Miguel A. Faria, MD Read More »

The Empire Strikes Back: Questions, but not many answers — only historical examples by Douglas P. Harden 

Why has Russia lashed-out and invaded Ukraine? What does Vladimir Putin need in Ukraine that he cannot get in his own country? Is this an attempt by a Russian autocrat to resurrect the Soviet empire? Many people believe the hammer and sickle of socialism, communism, and totalitarianism perished with the fall of the Berlin Wall

The Empire Strikes Back: Questions, but not many answers — only historical examples by Douglas P. Harden  Read More »

Reading Dr. Miguel Faria’s book Cuba in Revolution and conversing with the author (Part 1) by Bette K. Bushell

Dr. Faria, I continue to read your book but I am very limited with my time. I am also really interested in the various people you write about so I find myself stopping my reading to research the men who are mentioned in it. Today on page 62, I read that between 1960 and 1993,

Reading Dr. Miguel Faria’s book Cuba in Revolution and conversing with the author (Part 1) by Bette K. Bushell Read More »

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