
The Currency War with Russia and China by James I. Ausman, MD, PhD

Economically worldwide things are developing as I stated in my article two years ago. Virtually every nation is bankrupt, has resorted to printing money to lower the value of their currency with a resultant currency war. They all have huge debts, failing economies, and centralized control by Fed-like organizations. They are now trying, with Russian […]

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The World — Socio-economics and Politics: 2015 update by James I. Ausman, MD, PhD

Six years ago I was asked to address the Western Society of Neurosurgery comparing the candidates for President Barack Obama and John McCain. I was very blunt, but analytical about both, but my comments about Obama were not well received by the liberal audience. Unfortunately, what I said has come true. But people will forget that also. The

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The World — Socio-economically and politically: What you need to know

 by James I. Ausman, MD, PhD

Abstract The gravest challenge facing the USA and the nations of the world is the coming economic crisis of the world economies, if present policies are pursued. Few are aware or believe that this event could happen. The spread of centralized government control of the economies, the growth of the welfare state worldwide, the expenditures

The World — Socio-economically and politically: What you need to know

 by James I. Ausman, MD, PhD Read More »

ObamaCare — Another step toward corporate socialized medicine in the U.S.

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (2010), more commonly referred to as ObamaCare, has become one of the most controversial pieces of legislation passed by the Democrat-controlled, 111th U.S. Congress during President Obama’s administration. Despite significant political opposition and poll-after-poll evincing the American people’s strong dissatisfaction with a health care plan that was correctly

ObamaCare — Another step toward corporate socialized medicine in the U.S. Read More »

Cuba — (Part II): The Hunter and the Hunted in the Lost Caribbean Paradise

As we pointed out in Part I of this article, in Cuba all natural resources are at the disposal of the Revolution ­ i.e., Fidel Castro and his ruling elites. Cuban ecologists who speak out are quickly silenced, and so national treasures like the tropical forests of the Ciénaga de Zapata, the marshland areas adjacent

Cuba — (Part II): The Hunter and the Hunted in the Lost Caribbean Paradise Read More »

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