
Managed Truth: The Great Danger to Our Republic by Russell L. Blaylock, MD

French social critic Frederic Bastiat (1801-1850) once said, “The worst thing that can happen to a good cause is not to be skillfully attacked, but to be ineptly defended.”(1) During much of the history of our republic, our intellectuals and those who digest these ideas for consumption by the general public, did a poor job

Managed Truth: The Great Danger to Our Republic by Russell L. Blaylock, MD Read More »

The coming economic world crisis by James I. Ausman, MD, PhD

[Note from Dr. James I. Ausman: The article is the first of a series on Socioeconomic–Political issues facing neurosurgeons and people worldwide. I will attempt to explain these subjects as simply as possible.] The largest problem facing the world population is one that is not reported in the press, is hidden from the people, but

The coming economic world crisis by James I. Ausman, MD, PhD Read More »

Vladimir Putin — Part II: A threat to the Power Elite and the New World Order by Russell L. Blaylock, MD

Part 1 of Dr. Miguel Faria’s analysis of Vladimir Putin and the war in the Middle East, as with all his writings, is well worth reading and pondering deeply as it contains some excellent observations. I have been driven by new information to revise my original article on Putin and Russia, not so much on

Vladimir Putin — Part II: A threat to the Power Elite and the New World Order by Russell L. Blaylock, MD Read More »

What all people really want, the view of a visiting Egyptian physician by James I. Ausman, MD, PhD

The media continuously misunderstand what the people really think because of their elitism and failure to communicate with the people of America, who are the backbone of our country. I experienced this attitude of elitism when I was working at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the USA. There was a real contempt for

What all people really want, the view of a visiting Egyptian physician by James I. Ausman, MD, PhD Read More »

Death Taxes — Heavy progressive taxation and the erosion of rights of inheritance

Inheritance and estate taxes (collectively referred to as the “death tax”) are the taxes one must pay to the government to be able to inherit property or money following the death of loved ones. With inheritance taxes, the beneficiary pays the tax before taking possession of the money or property. With the estate tax, the

Death Taxes — Heavy progressive taxation and the erosion of rights of inheritance Read More »

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