
DeSantis is Finished as a Presidential Candidate by Cliff Kincaid

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador recently made a reference to “our fellow Mexicans that live in the US.” He is apparently referring to the “territorial dispute” with the United States over who owns the Southwest United States. Mexicans claim that region for themselves. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis should take that into consideration when he […]

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China — spies, sexpionage, and cyber wars against America

Editor’s Note: Given the hullabaloo about the giant Chinese spy—or rather, weather—balloon, cruising leisurely over the United States, I thought it would be appropriate to republish this book review about other more mundane and less salient methods of Chinese espionage. But before doing so, here is a synopsis of the balloon incident as reported by

China — spies, sexpionage, and cyber wars against America Read More »

The Face of Communism in America by Cliff Kincaid

Calling his opponents fascists, Joe Biden is sounding like former Soviet KGB Colonel Vladimir Putin offering a justification for war against Ukraine. In typical communist fashion, Putin had said Ukraine was full of fascists. Biden’s recent “anti-fascist” rhetoric against Republicans makes him sound like the Russian he supposedly wants to defeat in Ukraine. Perhaps Biden

The Face of Communism in America by Cliff Kincaid Read More »

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