
China — spies, sexpionage, and cyber wars against America

Editor’s Note: Given the hullabaloo about the giant Chinese spy—or rather, weather—balloon, cruising leisurely over the United States, I thought it would be appropriate to republish this book review about other more mundane and less salient methods of Chinese espionage. But before doing so, here is a synopsis of the balloon incident as reported by

China — spies, sexpionage, and cyber wars against America Read More »

The Biden Doctrine of Demoralization and Defeat by Cliff Kincaid

While advocating more weapons for Ukraine, former Obama official Michael McFaul says in a Foreign Affairs article, “In return for receiving these weapons, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy could sign a legally binding agreement to not use these weapons to strike targets inside Russia.” There you have it, in clear precise terms: Ukraine is not being

The Biden Doctrine of Demoralization and Defeat by Cliff Kincaid Read More »

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