
Further Suggestions for Those Visiting Communist (Fascist) Cuba

Open Letter to Georges M. Halpern, M.D., Ph.D.Academy for International Medical Study (AIMS)Great Neck, New York Dear Dr. Halpern: Thank you for your repeated entreaties to accompany you on your “AIMS Brings You Cuba!” adventure. You should know that as a pragmatic decision to obtain hard cash, American physicians are welcomed in communist (fascist) Cuba,

Further Suggestions for Those Visiting Communist (Fascist) Cuba Read More »

No Trade with Cuba

Let me respectfully point out some major weaknesses in Doug Bandow’s article on Cuba (“Washington’s Inadvertent Support for Cuban Communism,” Ideas on Liberty, July 2002). Bandow, a writer whom I admire and whose books and commentaries I have always enjoyed, was misled by the likes of Ricardo Alarcon, a devious man characterized as a dog

No Trade with Cuba Read More »

Book Review of Cuba in Revolution: Escape From a Lost Paradise. Reviewed by Vin Suprynowicz

Turning back to more traditional formats, the following book sits at the top of our list precisely because I was tempted not to read it, and you might be, too. The Cuban Revolution is 40-year-old ancient history, after all. Everyone knows Fidel Castro is a long-in-the-tooth Communist who holds his country in a death-grip of

Book Review of Cuba in Revolution: Escape From a Lost Paradise. Reviewed by Vin Suprynowicz Read More »

Iraq and Cuba — Fitting Pieces in the West Nile Virus Puzzle?

The latest news, as reported by UPI and carried in the wires, has not underestimated the seriousness of the infection caused by the West Nile virus. Indeed, in Louisiana, which has already reported five deaths so far, Lt. Gov. Kathleen Blanco, who doubles as the head of the state’s tourism agency, announced on Aug.

Iraq and Cuba — Fitting Pieces in the West Nile Virus Puzzle? Read More »

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