U.S. government

Defying the experts: Why they were wrong about everything by Russell L. Blaylock, MD

What just happened in the 2016 presidential election in many ways was unprecedented and in other ways was expected by keen observers and deep thinkers. Fox News interviewed a university pollster who admitted that all the pollsters, all the political analysts and all the political pundits, were wrong. The only ones who were correct were […]

Defying the experts: Why they were wrong about everything by Russell L. Blaylock, MD Read More »

Educated citizens, including Christians, have a civic responsibility to vote — preferably for Donald Trump!

I do not mind disagreeing with a fellow conservative when he happens to be local columnist Erick Erickson. Erickson has become the self-appointed arbiter of the limits of “respectable” conservatism. Anyone transcending beyond those limits is to be ostracized, as has happened with his attacks on Donald Trump. But Trump happens to be the man

Educated citizens, including Christians, have a civic responsibility to vote — preferably for Donald Trump! Read More »

On RINOs, prevaricators and moderate Republicans

In his diatribe in the Telegraph [Sept. 21], Jack Bernard, the self-described “Republican Health Care Executive,” insists on debating me and equivocates about his supposed (moderate) conservatism. Alas, he says his published conservative treatises have all been published in other newspapers. What a shame! We are left with those in the Telegraph, all of which have had a decidedly

On RINOs, prevaricators and moderate Republicans Read More »

Proof of an old conspiracy in motion? — Opposing views!

Jose: Friends, another article to connect the dots, “Soros’s Campaign of Global Chaos,” from Realclearpolitics by Caroline Glick, August 26, 2016: Major media outlets in the US have ignored the leak of thousands of emails from billionaire George Soros’s Open Society Foundation by the activist hacker group DCLeaks. The OSF is the vehicle through which

Proof of an old conspiracy in motion? — Opposing views! Read More »

Trump — With moderate Republicans, who needs foes?

The letters in the Telegraph lambasting Trump continue [09/12/16] and that is to be expected in this polarized political season. What is not to be expected, at least by savvy political debaters, is the ease with which these letter writers inconveniently ignore the rebuttals already made in total disregard of the usual rules followed in

Trump — With moderate Republicans, who needs foes? Read More »

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