
The Wonderful World of Classical Music (10 CD Set)

Editor’s Note: In quiet moments, “lose your mind and find your soul” in the pleasures of classical music, an intrinsic part of our Western culture and civilization. Listen to Beethoven and Mozart. Some of us can do this while we read and work. My friend, the political science scholar, George Leef, Director of Research at […]

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Farewell: The Greatest Spy Story of the Twentieth Century by Sergei Kostin and Eric Raynaud

The disintegration of the USSR is inextricably entwined and intimately related to the life and times, failures and accomplishments, paradoxes and contradictions of the courageous Russian who is the subject of this book — a man with tenacious clarity of purpose and the steely determination to carry on through and accomplish his goal at any

Farewell: The Greatest Spy Story of the Twentieth Century by Sergei Kostin and Eric Raynaud Read More »

Bastille Day And The French Revolution (Part I): The Ancien Régime and the Storming of the Bastille

July 14 is Bastille Day, a national holiday in France that commemorates 235 years from the day a Parisian mob stormed the “infamous” prison and commenced the upheaval of the French Revolution. The collapse of Soviet communism should not deter the invocation of the dreadful legacy of the French Revolution, the same revolution that a

Bastille Day And The French Revolution (Part I): The Ancien Régime and the Storming of the Bastille Read More »

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