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“Assault Weapons” Revisited — An Analysis of the AMA Report by Edgar A. Suter, MD

Abstract — The AMA Council on Scientific Affairs did not conduct a rigorous scientific evaluation before supporting a ban on assault weapons.  The Council appears to have unquestioningly accepted common misperceptions and even partisan misrepresentations regarding the nature and uses of assault weapons.  This article examines the pivotal issues and proposes a rational approach to

“Assault Weapons” Revisited — An Analysis of the AMA Report by Edgar A. Suter, MD Read More »

Guns in the Medical Literature — A Failure of Peer Review by Edgar A. Suter, MD

Abstract — Errors of fact, design, and interpretation abound in the medical literature on guns and violence. The peer review process has failed to prevent publication of the errors of politicized, results-oriented research. Most of the data on guns and violence are available in the criminological, legal, and social sciences literature, yet escapes acknowledgment or

Guns in the Medical Literature — A Failure of Peer Review by Edgar A. Suter, MD Read More »

The True Numbers of Uninsured Americans

A half-truth is a whole lie.Jewish Proverb Anything repeated three times in Washington becomes fact.Eugene McCarthy In a previous article entitled “Crisis in Health Care Delivery,” I wrote: “Only 4% of the [American] population lacks health insurance for two years or longer,” and hinted at the fact the actual number of truly chronically uninsured and

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