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socialized medicine

Book Review of Vandals at the Gates of Medicine: Historic Perspectives on the Battle Over Health Care Reform. Reviewed by Jane H. Ingraham

A Physician’s Diagnosis Here is an unusual book; half is a history of Western civilization and half a powerful exhortation against government control of the delivery of health care. Far from being disconnected, these two subjects are thoughtfully woven together by Dr. Miguel Faria, eminent neurosurgeon at Mercer University School of Medicine in Macon, Georgia. […]

Book Review of Vandals at the Gates of Medicine: Historic Perspectives on the Battle Over Health Care Reform. Reviewed by Jane H. Ingraham Read More »

The Medical Gulag

Acquiescence is the trademark of the slave.Aristotle (4th Century B.C.) The issue of whether we will remain an independent and compassionate profession or become an enslaved government trade union will not be clearly evident until some time after the Presidential election. For one thing, the conservative health care planners have been silenced by the media,

The Medical Gulag Read More »

Letter to the Editor: Regarding “International Perspective: Neurological Surgery in Nicaragua.”

I read with interest the article by Robert J. Coffey, M.D., entitled “International Perspective: Neurological Surgery in Nicaragua.” The article was informative in its description of neurological surgery per se, but it was unfortunately saturated with much political propaganda (albeit in a neurological journal), which requires some criticism. First, the practice of medicine (and neurosurgery)

Letter to the Editor: Regarding “International Perspective: Neurological Surgery in Nicaragua.” Read More »

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