Trump Derangement Syndrome

Democrats Provide Great Comic Relief Following Loss by Jeff Crouere

After four years of Bidenomics, open borders, high inflation, international conflicts and constant stress and anxiety caused by Democratic Party policies, it is refreshing for Americans to finally enjoy much needed comic relief. Yet, this comedy is not being provided by late night talk shows because all these so-called comedians have become humorless leftist hacks. […]

Democrats Provide Great Comic Relief Following Loss by Jeff Crouere Read More »

The Left Keeps Fanning the Flames of Trump Hatred by Jeff Crouere

The left will not stop with their hateful rhetoric directed at President Donald Trump. Despite two assassination attempts and many other questionable incidents, the media keeps warning voters that Trump is a “threat to democracy,” even though the Democrats are the party that cancelled the primary votes of 14 million people and bestowed their presidential

The Left Keeps Fanning the Flames of Trump Hatred by Jeff Crouere Read More »

Trump Derangement Syndrome is Raging Among the Left by Jeff Crouere

Among many far-left Democrats, there is an uncontrollable hatred of President Donald Trump. These individuals suffer from “Trump Derangement Syndrome,” a condition that Dr. Drew Pinsky, a board-certified physician and addiction specialist, said infects “people that get tied up in the hysteria…people that are suggestible, hypnotizable, the ones that feel out of control…have an external

Trump Derangement Syndrome is Raging Among the Left by Jeff Crouere Read More »

No Satisfaction With Stone Age Celebrities Jagger and De Niro by Jeff Crouere

Why can’t singers just sing, and actors just act? Why do they always have to enter the realm of politics? It is an area very few celebrities are knowledgeable about and most just spew ridiculous left-wing talking points. Sadly, almost all the top Hollywood celebrities and rock stars are progressive fools. A perfect example is

No Satisfaction With Stone Age Celebrities Jagger and De Niro by Jeff Crouere Read More »

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