
Who is Really President? Hint, it’s Not Crooked Joe by Jeff Crouere

Yes, Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States and enjoys all the benefits of the office, including travel on Air Force One and Secret Service protection. He assumed the office after a controversial and contested election employing a “basement” campaign strategy with few events and media interviews. Since his inauguration, his mental […]

Who is Really President? Hint, it’s Not Crooked Joe by Jeff Crouere Read More »

Democrats Abuse Trump; Republicans Protect Biden by Jeff Crouere

Eight years of abuse of President Donald Trump culminated in the 37 felony count indictment that was unsealed on Friday. The 49-page document alleges the mishandling of classified documents after he left the White House. President Joe Biden was found to have classified documents at his home, in his garage and in his office, which

Democrats Abuse Trump; Republicans Protect Biden by Jeff Crouere Read More »

‘America, Guns, and Freedom’ Offers Antidote to Anti-Gun Quackery by David Codrea

“[U]tilitarian ethics refers to the judgment of a course of action being good (right) or bad (wrong) based on societal consequences, such as cost, and not necessarily on benefits to the individual,” Miguel A. Faria, Jr., M.D. writes in America, Guns, and Freedom, an exhaustive study on the Second Amendment and its perversion for political purposes

‘America, Guns, and Freedom’ Offers Antidote to Anti-Gun Quackery by David Codrea Read More »

Congress Must Not Restrict First Amendment Rights by Jeff Crouere

The First Amendment is the essential foundation for our nation’s greatness, guaranteeing Americans our precious freedoms that are denied in so many countries. Thus, it is disturbing to behold a bi-partisan group of politicians advocating a big government attempt to restrict the First Amendment in a disastrous piece of legislation called the RESTRICT ACT. The

Congress Must Not Restrict First Amendment Rights by Jeff Crouere Read More »

Kennedy Surges Despite Bias and Censorship by Jeff Crouere

The worst nightmare for an incumbent President is to receive a serious intra-party nomination challenge. In recent history, it has happened three times. In 1976, a conservative challenger, former California Governor Ronald Reagan, made a valiant attempt that almost succeeded in denying the GOP nomination for President Gerald Ford. In 1980, U.S. Senator Ted Kennedy

Kennedy Surges Despite Bias and Censorship by Jeff Crouere Read More »

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