
Racism and Leftist Solutions as Expressions of Collectivism by Russell L. Blaylock, MD

The liberal left has devoted a great deal of energy in its war on “racism,” a rather hazy concept in modern society. Most think of racism as disliking or even hating someone based only on their race. Almost, as a reflex, one, at least in this country, associates racism with the Southern states — particularly […]

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Philosophic Ramblings (Part II): Religion and Politics

Since the heyday of Billy Graham in the 1950s to the 1980s, Protestantism has evolved mostly to become silent on secular issues or to speak only to promulgate politically correct (PC) proclamations depending on the trendy issues of the day. I was brought up as a Presbyterian. Presbyterianism originally believed in the Elect and predestination.

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Philosophic Ramblings (Part I): Morality and Society

The study of the nature of reality leads to the Medieval argument (conflict) between Realists and Nominalists. I will defer further discussion on that controversy for now, and instead, deal with more contemporary philosophies. Pragmatism or Idealism Existentialism was a great philosophy for the 20th century in the same fashion that Stoicism was for the

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