
Another medical journey to ancient Rome and Roman medicine with medical historian Plinio Prioreschi, MD, PhD

This is the third volume of the monumental A History of Medicine series by the medical historian and classical scholar Plinio Prioreschi M.D., PhD.[1] A limited number of these books were published, and the reader would be fortunate to find copies of the tomes for less than $350 U.S. dollars. We have already reviewed Volume […]

Another medical journey to ancient Rome and Roman medicine with medical historian Plinio Prioreschi, MD, PhD Read More »

Vaccines (Part I): Jenner, Pasteur, and the Dawn of Scientific Medicine

Introduction With the issue of mandatory vaccination programs for infants and children, lines have been drawn in the sand. On one side, we find concerned parents, increasingly being supported by dissenting physicians and scientists troubled by the serious side effects of vaccines, which have, in fact, been reported with greater frequency, including serious neurological deficits

Vaccines (Part I): Jenner, Pasteur, and the Dawn of Scientific Medicine Read More »

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