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America Reaching Open Border Boiling Point by Jeff Crouere

In the survey of South Carolina Republican primary voters conducted by Edison Research, 37% of voters claimed that immigration was the most important issue, followed by 33% who listed the economy as the most pressing concern. Comparable results were uncovered in exit polls conducted in GOP presidential nomination contests in New Hampshire and Iowa. In […]

America Reaching Open Border Boiling Point by Jeff Crouere Read More »

Joe Biden Is America’s Biggest National Security Threat by Jeff Crouere

At the end of President Donald Trump’s administration, there was peace abroad and prosperity at home. After three years of President Joe Biden, Americans no longer enjoy economic prosperity, but face inflation and high interest rates. Also, there are major wars raging in Ukraine and in Gaza, while additional wars  may be started by the

Joe Biden Is America’s Biggest National Security Threat by Jeff Crouere Read More »

The GOP is in Turmoil; Ronna Must Go Now by Jeff Crouere

The tenure of Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel must immediately end. Sadly, the RNC is in horrible shape as it prepares for a crucial presidential election year. Last week, the 2023 fundraising totals were released for both major political parties. The RNC only raised $87.2 million, compared to $119.9 million raised by the

The GOP is in Turmoil; Ronna Must Go Now by Jeff Crouere Read More »

Cassandra’s Curse: Seeing the future can be dangerous, even deadly by Russell L. Blaylock, MD

When I took Shakespeare’s Comedies and Histories in college, I was intrigued by the myth of Cassandra. Apollo doomed her for having the curse of prophecy—that is, being able to see the future, but no one would believe her. And, the ones who defend the liberty of the individual find themselves in that untenable position

Cassandra’s Curse: Seeing the future can be dangerous, even deadly by Russell L. Blaylock, MD Read More »

Speaker Johnson Is Right, Free Market Should Set Drug Prices, Not Government by Jeff Crouere

A Reuters report released just days ago uncovered that America’s leading drugmakers are raising prices yet again. Due to industry greed, the American people can expect to see more than 140 brands of drugs increase in cost over the next month.  Prior to the increase, on average, pharmaceutical costs are already higher in the United States than

Speaker Johnson Is Right, Free Market Should Set Drug Prices, Not Government by Jeff Crouere Read More »

Just Don’t Get Sick!—Corporate Socialized Medicine in the 21st Century by Miguel A. Faria, MD

Let me tell you about a situation in progress that a dear friend of mine is experiencing. She wrote me: In late November 2023, I experienced severe and sudden onset of pain in my left hip after walking around my yard. I tried to stay off of my feet hoping it was simply a muscle.

Just Don’t Get Sick!—Corporate Socialized Medicine in the 21st Century by Miguel A. Faria, MD Read More »

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