
Donald Trump, America’s Profile in Courage by Jeff Crouere

At his massive rally in Butler, PA, President Donald Trump survived assassination by millimeters, saved by the grace of God and a turn of his head. Sadly, an attendee was killed, and two others were seriously wounded by a 20-year-old assassin. As the investigation continues into the killer and the major security lapses at the […]

Donald Trump, America’s Profile in Courage by Jeff Crouere Read More »

Democratic Party Cover-Up Exposed After Biden Debacle by Jeff Crouere

For five years, honest political commentators have been pointing out the obvious decline of Joe Biden. Physically, he has fallen off his bike, on stage and on the stairs of Air Force One numerous times. These incidents became so much of a concern that Biden started using the “baby stairs” to enter Air Force One

Democratic Party Cover-Up Exposed After Biden Debacle by Jeff Crouere Read More »

Trump Derangement Syndrome is Raging Among the Left by Jeff Crouere

Among many far-left Democrats, there is an uncontrollable hatred of President Donald Trump. These individuals suffer from “Trump Derangement Syndrome,” a condition that Dr. Drew Pinsky, a board-certified physician and addiction specialist, said infects “people that get tied up in the hysteria…people that are suggestible, hypnotizable, the ones that feel out of control…have an external

Trump Derangement Syndrome is Raging Among the Left by Jeff Crouere Read More »

Stalin, Mao, Communism, and their 21st-Century Aftermath (Part IV)—A Commentary by Adam R. Bogart, PhD

Part IV of Dr. Faria’s book examines the reign of Mao in China.          This is the one section of the book that absolutely shocked me. I had no idea that Mao was in a special class of amoral viciousness all his own. Of course, I knew that he was a brutal communist dictator, but

Stalin, Mao, Communism, and their 21st-Century Aftermath (Part IV)—A Commentary by Adam R. Bogart, PhD Read More »

Stalin, Mao, Communism, and their 21st-Century Aftermath (Part III)—A Commentary by Adam R. Bogart, PhD

Part III of Dr. Faria’s book is dedicated to Stalin’s influence in the post-war world (1945–1953).          After World War II, the Soviet citizen did not have to worry about being tortured and killed by the Nazis. However, Joseph Stalin and Vladimir Lenin’s position of a need to maintain a constant level of terror did

Stalin, Mao, Communism, and their 21st-Century Aftermath (Part III)—A Commentary by Adam R. Bogart, PhD Read More »

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