About Us
About Us
Hacienda Publishing, a Georgia Corporation, was founded in 1994 for the publication of health care books and medical journals. Hacienda Publishing has now gone strictly online and runs the websites, www.haciendapublishing.com and www.drmiguelfaria.com.
Up to 2002, over 90% of our medical articles were published in peer-reviewed medical journals and other established publications, and the site is the repository of published articles by Dr. Miguel A. Faria, Jr., a neurosurgeon, medical scientist, and medical historian, as well as other biomedical scholars knowledgeable in medical science and history. Since that time the site has moved into other areas of more popular endeavor such as history, politics, moral philosophy, as well as listing and reviewing great books and epic historic movies in those areas.

Hacienda Publishing
Previously published articles can be found in the Articles section, including former Medical Sentinel articles. We have also published and continue to post opinion articles on history and politics that appear either in the Articles section or the Random Notes section of this website. We hope that these articles are of interest to our readers as well.
Hacienda Publishing is not a strictly conservative or libertarian website, although generally we fit on that side of the political spectrum, and we usually carry a conservative political message. Nevertheless, we do post from time to time political articles with which we do not necessarily agree; those articles, though, must be pertinent and relevant to pressing issues today and may trigger discussion. This is done in the pursuit of the free exchange of ideas that is desirable and necessary in a free society. The opinions expressed in the articles are solely those of the individual authors and not those of Hacienda Publishing. Although the Medical Sentinel had a mission statement that it fulfilled until it ceased publication in 2002, any opinions expressed in articles originally published there are solely those of the individual authors who expressed them.
About our President and Editor-in-Chief:
Miguel A. Faria, Jr., M.D., is Associate Editor-in-Chief in Neuropsychiatry; History of Medicine; and Socioeconomics, Politics, Medicine and World Affairs of Surgical Neurology International (SNI; 2012-present) as well as member of the Editorial Board since 2011. Surgical Neurology International (SNI) is a peer-review, free access, online, international journal for neurosurgeons and neuroscientists.
Dr. Faria is a Board Certified Neurological Surgeon (American Association of Neurological Surgeons, retired); Clinical Professor of Surgery (Neurosurgery, ret.) and Adjunct Professor of Medical History (ret.) Mercer University School of Medicine. He is a Life Member of the AANS.
Former member, Editorial Board of Surgical Neurology, an International Journal of Neurosurgery and Neuroscience, the former Official International Journal of the Neurosurgical Societies of Belgium, Brazil, China, Romania, Russia and Taiwan (Published by Elsevier) 2004-2010.
Founding Editor and Editor-in-Chief of the Medical Sentinel (1996-2002).
Science and Medicine: Miguel A. Faria, Jr., M.D. was appointed and served at the behest of President George W. Bush as member of the Injury Research Grant Review Committee of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 2002-2005.
Former Contributor to Newsmax.com, Realclearhistory.com, Accuracy in Media (AIM), The Telegraph (Macon, Georgia); and Former Columnist for LaNuevaCuba.com.
Guest Columnist: GOPUSA.com, Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership (DRGO), and The Truth About Guns (TTAG).
History: Recipient of the Americanism Medal from the Nathaniel Macon Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), 1998.
Author: Dr. Miguel A. Faria has written or coauthored several chapters in 6 medical textbooks, and his works are cited and referenced in a number of other books and publications. He is the sole author of three books: Vandals at the Gates of Medicine: Historic Perspectives on the Battle Over Health Care Reform (1995); Medical Warrior: Fighting Corporate Socialized Medicine (1997); and Cuba in Revolution: Escape From a Lost Paradise (2002).
Professional Publications: Dr. Faria has written over 400 medical, scientific and professional articles, letters or editorials published in the medical literature. More than seventy of these articles are currently listed in PubMed under Faria MA Jr. and Faria MA or under his Goggle scholar listing. ResearchGate also cites some of his most recent peer-reviewed publications and citations in the medical literature. Additionally, certain history articles written by Dr. Miguel Faria may be found at his author page at realclearhistory.com. All of Dr. Faria’s articles are posted at https://haciendapublishing.com.
Publisher: The Medical Sentinel and such books as Sutton’s Law by Jane M. Orient, M.D. and Linda J. Wright (1997). Hacienda Publishing is now strictly an online publication in this website.
Dr. Miguel A. Faria has continued to write, edit and publish various articles on science, politics, history, and socio-economic topics in numerous journals and websites including Surgical Neurology International and GOPUSA.com.
Miguel A. Faria, Jr., M.D., is Associate Editor-in-Chief in Socioeconomics, Politics, Medicine and World Affairs of Surgical Neurology International (SNI; 2012-present) as well as member of the Editorial Board since 2011. Surgical Neurology International (SNI) is a peer-review, free access, online, international journal for Neurosurgeons and neuroscientists.
Dr. Faria is a Board Certified Neurological Surgeon (American Association of Neurological Surgeons; retired); Clinical Professor of Surgery (Neurosurgery, ret.) and Adjunct Professor of Medical History (ret.) Mercer University School of Medicine.
Former member, Editorial Board of Surgical Neurology, an International Journal of Neurosurgery and Neuroscience, the former Official International Journal of the Neurosurgical Societies of Belgium, Brazil, China, Romania, Russia and Taiwan (Published by Elsevier) 2004-2010.
Founding Editor and Editor-in-Chief of the Medical Sentinel (1996-2002).
Science and Medicine: Miguel A. Faria, Jr., M.D. was appointed and served at the behest of President George W. Bush as member of the Injury Research Grant Review Committee of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 2002-2005.
Former Contributor to Newsmax.com and Columnist LaNuevaCuba.com.
Guest Columnist: GOPUSA.com (2010); Realclearhistory.com (2012); The Telegraph (Macon, Georgia); Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership (DRGO); Accuracy in Media (AIM).
History: Recipient of the Americanism Medal from the Nathaniel Macon Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) 1998.
Author: Dr. Miguel A. Faria has written or coauthored several chapters in 6 medical textbooks, and his works are cited and referenced in a number of other books and publications. He is the sole author of three books: Vandals at the Gates of Medicine: Historic Perspectives on the Battle Over Health Care Reform (1995); Medical Warrior: Fighting Corporate Socialized Medicine (1997); and Cuba in Revolution: Escape From a Lost Paradise (2002).
Professional Publications: Dr. Faria has written over 200 medical, scientific and professional articles, letters or editorials published in the medical literature. More than seventy of these articles are currently listed in PubMed under Faria MA Jr. as well as Faria MA or under his name at Goggle scholar listing. ResearchGate also cites some of his most recent peer-reviewed publications and citations in the medical literature.
Publisher: The Medical Sentinel and such books as Sutton’s Law by Jane M. Orient, M.D. and Linda J. Wright (1997). Hacienda Publishing is now strictly an online publication in this website.
Dr. Miguel A. Faria has continued to write, edit and publish various articles on science, politics, history, and socio-economic topics in numerous journals and websites including Surgical Neurology International, NewsMax.com, his local newpaper, The Macon Telegraph, and GOPUSA.com. His entire CV is also posted on this website.
Contributors and Editors-at-Large
James I. Ausman, MD, PhD
is Professor of Neurosurgery at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles (UCLA); Editor-in-Chief of Surgical Neurology International (SNI); President, Future Healthcare Strategies; Chairman of the Board, The Waymaster Corporation Productions; and Creator & Executive Producer of THE LEADING GEN® TV Series. Dr. Ausman travels to all parts of the world teaching and lecturing.
David C. Stolinsky, MD
is a medical oncologist who retired after 25 years of medical-school teaching. As a young man, he served in an Army Reserve medical unit. He came into contact with men and women with World War II and Korea ribbons and shoulder patches. He hopes that a small part of their courage and devotion to duty rubbed off on him. He is co-author of Firearms: A Handbook for Health Professionals, published by The Claremont Institute. For the informative articles written by Dr. Stolinsky, check out our search feature on this website or at his own website at:
Russell L. Blaylock, MD
is a retired neurosurgeon and President of Advanced Nutritional Concepts and Theoretical Neuroscience Research, LLC. He has written numerous path-blazing scientific papers and many books, including Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills (1994), Bioterrorism: How You Can Survive (2001), Health and Nutrition Secrets (2002), and Natural Strategies for Cancer Patients (2003). He is Associate Editor-in-Chief and a Consulting Editor in Basic Neuroscience for Surgical Neurology International (SNI). His website is:
Timothy Wheeler, MD
is a southern California surgeon, and Founder and Director of Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership (DRGO). DRGO is a nationwide network of 1,400 medical doctors, health care professionals, scientists, and others who support the safe and lawful use of firearms for any legitimate purpose. DRGO was launched in 1994 and is now a project of the Second Amendment Foundation. DRGO’s message of responsible gun ownership has been featured in national media, including Fox News television, the CBS news program This Morning, and on CBS News 60 Minutes, as well as on radio programs in media markets large and small. DRGO’s website is:
Adam R. Bogart, PhD
is a Behavioral Neuroscientist and Board Member of the Life Sciences Institute of New Jersey. He lives is Lexington, Kentucky. His education and training includes Behavioral Neuroscience, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio; Post doctoral fellow at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Gruss Magnetic Resonance Research Center Bronx, New York; and MS Immunology conjointly Adelphi University/Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York, New York.